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How do I make an neeilcalc?

What is a neeilcalc? How do you make a neeilcalc? This script and codes were developed by Neeilan Selvalingam on 13 September 2022, Tuesday.

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NeeilCalc - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>neeilCalc</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <head>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></head>
<div id="calculator">
<table> <tr> <td colspan="3" id="display"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(1)">1</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(2)">2</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(3)">3</buttton></td> </tr> <tr> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(4)">4</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(5)">5</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(6)">6</buttton></td> </tr> <tr> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(7)">7</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(8)">8</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(9)">9</buttton></td> </tr> <tr> <td><button class="btn op" onclick="input('+')">+</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn" onclick="input(0)">0</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn op" onclick="input('-')">-</buttton></td> </tr> <tr> <td><button class="btn op" onclick="input('*')">*</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn op" onclick="input('/')">/</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn op" onclick="input('.')">.</buttton></td> </tr> <tr> <td><button class="btn op" onclick="input('NEG')">	&plusmn;</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn op" onclick="input('C')">CE</buttton></td> <td><button class="btn calc" onclick="input('=')">=</buttton></td> </tr> <tr></tr>
</div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

NeeilCalc - Script Codes CSS Codes

html,body { height:100%; background: rgb(1,15,22); font-family: Helvetica, Arial;
#display { width: 300px; background: rgb(35,182,79); overflow:hidden; color: rgb(22,118,15); padding-right: 5%; font-size: 2.1em; font-family: 'Share Tech Mono', 'Arial'; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; margin-left: -5; border: solid rgb(221,221,221); border-width:15px 25px 20px 25px;
table { height: 600px; width: 430px; margin: 5% auto 0% auto; background: rgb(230,230,230); border-radius:5px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 50px 0px rgb(38,57,83);
.btn { background: #AEC6CF; width: 45%; height: 75%; border-radius: 70%; color: white; border-style: none; font-size: 1em;
.btn:active { width: 44%; height: 74%;
.op { background:rgb(103,148,165) ;
.calc{ background:rgb(227,128,128) ;
.btn:hover { background: #de6868; font-weight: bold;
.btn:focus { outline:none;
td{ height: 14%; text-align: center; width:30%;
table:hover { box-shadow: 0px 0px 120px 0px rgb(48,71,103);
table:hover #display { background-color: rgb(52,216,101); color: rgb(34,179,78);

NeeilCalc - Script Codes JS Codes

var display="";
var values= [];
function input (value){ if (value==="C"){ clear(); } else if (value==="="){ display = process(); //process() returns final answer } else if (value==="NEG"){ values.push("NEG"); display+="-"; } else{ values.push(value); display+=""+value; } updateDisplay();
function process() { joinNums(); joinDecimals(); //***BUG with decimals longer than 1*** FIXED console.log(values); neg(); repeatCatcher(); //if consecutive operations are stringed together, return value of last operation rather than NaN/error multiplyVals(); addVals(); //console.log(values); //max of 8 decimal places return Math.round(values[0]*100000000)/100000000;
function neg(){ //call after joining nums and decimals for (var i=0; i<values.length-1; i++){ if (values[i]==="NEG"){ values[i+1]=values[i+1]*(-1); values[i]="$"; } } values = values.filter(filter$);
function joinNums(){ //Joins consecutive digits into numbers for (var i=0; i<values.length-1; i++){ if (typeof(values[i])==="number" && typeof(values[i+1])==="number") { values[i+1]=Number(values[i]+""+values[i+1]); values[i]="$"; } } values = values.filter(filter$);
function joinDecimals() { //Call after joinNums var divisionFactor=10; for (var i=0; i<values.length-1; i++){ if (values[i]==="."){ var decimalLength = (""+values[i+1]).length; divisionFactor= Math.pow(10,decimalLength); //to account for decimal portions of varying length ex- 0.5 vs 0.55 values[i+1]=values[i-1]+values[i+1]/divisionFactor; values[i]="$"; values[i-1]="$"; } } values = values.filter(filter$);
var filter$ = function(val){ return (val!=="$");
function multiplyVals() { //Only call after joinNums + joinDecimals for (var i=0; i<values.length-1; i++){ if(values[i]==="/"){ //division values[i]="*"; values[i+1]=(1/values[i+1]); } if (values[i]==="*"){ values[i+1]=values[i+1]*values[i-1]; values[i]="$"; values[i-1]="$"; } // if(values[i]==="/"){ //division // not needde if adjusted before multiplying // values[i+1]=values[i-1]/values[i+1]; // values[i]="$"; // values[i-1]="$"; // } } values = values.filter(filter$);
function addVals() { //Call after multiplyVals for (var i=0; i<values.length-1; i++){ if(values[i]==="-"){ //subtraction values[i]="+"; values[i+1]=(-1*values[i+1]); } if (values[i]==="+"){ values[i+1]=values[i+1]+values[i-1]; values[i]="$"; values[i-1]="$"; } } values = values.filter(filter$);
function repeatCatcher() { for (var i=0; i<values.length-1; i++){ if (typeof(values[i])!=="number" && typeof(values[i+1])!=="number") { values[i]="$"; } }
function clear(){ display=""; values=[];
function updateDisplay() { if (display.length>14){ display="..."+display.substring(display.length-15,display.length); } document.getElementById("display").innerHTML=display;
NeeilCalc - Script Codes
NeeilCalc - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Neeilan Selvalingam
Username neeilan
Uploaded September 13, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,209 Kb
Views 34,408
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