Overview Page

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How do I make an overview page?

What is a overview page? How do you make a overview page? This script and codes were developed by Tejus Bhalla on 22 November 2022, Tuesday.

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Overview Page - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Overview Page</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
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<html> <head> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="Overviewpage CSS.css" /> <title>NBA 2K17</title>
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<h1> NBA 2K17: Description, Overview, and News </h1>
<div class="topnav" id="myTopnav"> <a href="https://codepen.io/tloading33/full/EmgXyj/" ><font> MyLeague/MyGM</font></a> <a href="https://codepen.io/tloading33/full/NjRgpO/"><font> MyTeam</font></a> <a href="https://codepen.io/tloading33/full/QvKgvY/"><font>MyPark</font></a> <a href="https://codepen.io/tloading33/full/EmgXKj/"><font>MyCareer</font></a> </div> <img id="NBA2K17" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a0/NBA_2K17_cover_art.jpg"> <p> NBA 2K17 is a basketball simulation game developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K Sports. It is currently the only basketball simulation game as EA Sports did not develop a NBA Live game this year. Although this game can be MUCH improved, it is the Most Favorable and Played basketball game on the market since its debut in 1999. Several game modes are included, such as MyCareer, where the player creates a customizable player and plays through their career, MyGM and MyLeague, both franchise modes where the player controls an entire organization, and MyTeam, where the player creates a team to compete against other players' teams. We go more indepth with every game mode Along with current NBA teams, other teams are included, such as classic NBA teams, national teams, and EuroLeague teams. The game's soundtrack, which features 50 licensed songs, was curated by Grimes, Imagine Dragons, and Noah Shebib. Most critics praised the presentation and visuals, as well as the gameplay and amount of content. By February 2017, the game had shipped approximately 7 million copies. As fans of the game, we know much more about the game than the critcs. Although this game as I said could be much improved, it is the love of basketball and the constant improvement this game has that makes fans come flocking back no matter how bad this game is. This year they have launched three verisons of this game, Standard Edition, and Two Kobe Bryant Editions as Kobe, one of the greatest players to ever play basketball, recently retired this offseason, and in memory, 2k released the Legend verison and Legend Gold version. </p> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Overview Page - Script Codes CSS Codes

h1 {color:#00ccff; font-size: 50px; text-align:center;
body { background-image: url("http://wallpapersdsc.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/NBA-2K17-Wallpapers-HD.jpg");
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font { font-size:40px;
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Overview Page - Script Codes JS Codes

(function() { function BasketBall() { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = 1300; canvas.height = 600; document.body.appendChild(canvas); var gameSize = { x: canvas.width, y: canvas.height }; var rotation = { begin: 0, current: 0, old: 0, new: 0 }; var mouse = { x: 0, y: 0, speedX: 0, speedY: 0, oldX: 0, oldY: 0, lastSpeedX: 0, lastSpeedY: 0, down: false, up: false, updateSpeed: function() { this.speedX = this.x - this.oldX; this.speedY = this.y - this.oldY; this.oldX = this.x; this.oldY = this.y; } }; var meshPoints = [{ x: 1073, y: 245, xFix: 1073, yFix: 245 }, { x: 1103, y: 245, xFix: 1103, yFix: 245 }, { x: 1123, y: 245, xFix: 1123, yFix: 245 }, { x: 1153, y: 245, xFix: 1153, yFix: 245 }, { x: 1078, y: 265, xFix: 1078, yFix: 265 }, { x: 1103, y: 265, xFix: 1103, yFix: 265 }, { x: 1123, y: 265, xFix: 1123, yFix: 265 }, { x: 1148, y: 265, xFix: 1148, yFix: 265 }, { x: 1083, y: 285, xFix: 1083, yFix: 285 }, { x: 1103, y: 285, xFix: 1103, yFix: 285 }, { x: 1123, y: 285, xFix: 1123, yFix: 285 }, { x: 1143, y: 285, xFix: 1143, yFix: 285 }, { x: 1083, y: 305, xFix: 1083, yFix: 305 }, { x: 1103, y: 305, xFix: 1103, yFix: 305 }, { x: 1123, y: 305, xFix: 1123, yFix: 305 }, { x: 1143, y: 305, xFix: 1143, yFix: 305 }, ]; canvas.onmousedown = function(e) { mouse.down = true; mouse.up = false; properties.bottomTouch = false; leftTouch = false; if (rotation.old == 0) { rotation.old = e.clientX - 300; } else { rotation.old = e.clientX; } }; canvas.onmouseup = function(e) { mouse.down = false; mouse.up = true; mouse.lastSpeedX = mouse.speedX; mouse.lastSpeedY = mouse.speedY; rotation.new += e.clientX - rotation.old; }; canvas.onmousemove = function(e) { mouse.x = e.clientX; mouse.y = e.clientY; if (!mouse.oldX & !mouse.oldY) { mouse.oldX = e.clientX; mouse.oldY = e.clientY; } }; this.bodies = [new Ball(this, context, mouse, rotation)]; var properties = this.bodies[0].properties; var self = this; function tick() { self.update(context, gameSize, mouse, properties, meshPoints); self.draw(context, gameSize, properties, mouse, meshPoints); requestAnimationFrame(tick); // console.log(rotation); }; tick(); }; BasketBall.prototype = { update: function(context, gameSize, mouse, properties, meshPoints) { for (i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++) { this.bodies[i].update(); }; clearCanvas(context, gameSize); mouse.updateSpeed(); properties.updateDistance(); mesh(meshPoints, properties, mouse); }, draw: function(context, gameSize, properties, mouse, meshPoints) { for (i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++) { this.bodies[i].draw(); }; drawField(context); drawBasket(context, properties, mouse, meshPoints); } }; function Ball(game, context, mouse, rotation) { this.game = game; this.rotation = rotation; this.mouse = mouse; this.context = context; this.properties = { x: 300, y: 50, gravity: 1, initial: true, leftTouch: false, bottomTouch: false, touch: false, distance: 0, distX: 0, distY: 0, oldPosX: 0, oldPosY: 0, updateDistance: function() { this.distX = this.x - this.oldPosX; this.oldPosX = this.x; this.distY = this.y - this.oldPosY; this.oldPosY = this.y; } }; this.basketProp = { touchA: false, touchB: false, posiX: 0, posiY: 0, posiX2: 0, posiY2: 0 }; this.radius = 40; // Return the ball to the starting position self = this; window.onkeydown = function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 32) { self.properties.x = 300; self.properties.y = 50; self.properties.gravity = 1; self.properties.initial = true; self.properties.leftTouch = false; self.properties.bottomTouch = false; self.properties.touch = false; self.properties.distance = 0; self.properties.distX = 0; self.properties.distY = 0; self.properties.oldPosX = 0; self.properties.oldPosY = 0; self.rotation.begin = 0; self.rotation.current = 0; self.rotation.old = 0; self.rotation.new = 0; self.mouse.lastSpeedX = 0; self.mouse.lastSpeedY = 0; self.mouse.down = false; self.mouse.up = false; } } }; Ball.prototype = { update: function() { gravity(this.properties, this.mouse); reboundFTBasket(this.properties, this.basketProp, this.mouse); }, draw: function() { drawBall(this.properties, this.radius, this.rotation, this.context, this.mouse); } }; function drawBall(properties, radius, rotation, context, mouse) { var x = properties.x; var y = properties.y; if (rotation.current) { rotation.begin = rotation.current; } if (rotation.begin) { rotation.begin = rotation.begin * (Math.PI / 180); context.save(); context.translate(x, y); context.rotate(rotation.begin); context.translate(-x, -y); }; context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = '#333'; context.fillStyle = '#C54B2E'; context.arc(x, y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x - 37, y - 15); context.quadraticCurveTo(x + 10, y - 5, x + 39, y + 10); context.moveTo(x + 5, y - 39); context.quadraticCurveTo(x - 25, y - 10, x - 21, y + 35); context.moveTo(x - 37, y + 17); context.bezierCurveTo(x - 15, y - 22, x - 1, y + 30, x + 18, y + 36); context.moveTo(x - 22, y - 34); context.bezierCurveTo(x - 10, y - 10, x + 10, y - 30, x + 33, y - 22); context.lineWidth = 1.5; context.stroke(); if (rotation.begin) { context.restore(); }; if (mouse.up && properties.bottomTouch) { rotation.current = properties.x - rotation.new; }; }; function gravity(properties, mouse) { if (properties.initial == true) { properties.x += mouse.lastSpeedX; properties.y += mouse.lastSpeedY; }; if (mouse.down) { properties.initial = false; properties.x += mouse.speedX; properties.y += mouse.speedY; }; if (mouse.up) { properties.x += mouse.lastSpeedX; properties.y += mouse.lastSpeedY; }; if (properties.y > 476) { mouse.lastSpeedY *= -0.89; mouse.lastSpeedX *= 0.98; properties.y = 476; properties.leftTouch = false; properties.bottomTouch = true; }; if (properties.x > 1158) { mouse.lastSpeedY *= 0.89; mouse.lastSpeedX *= -0.98; properties.x = 1158; properties.leftTouch = true; }; mouse.lastSpeedY += properties.gravity; }; function drawField(context) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = '#aaa'; context.lineWidth = 2; context.moveTo(0, 518); context.lineTo(1200, 518); context.lineTo(1200, 0); context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = '#aaa'; context.fillText("Press the SPACE to return the ball to the starting position", 250, 575); context.font = '1.8em arial'; }; function drawBasket(context, properties, mouse, meshPoints) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = '#bbb'; context.lineWidth = 3; context.moveTo(1200, 218); context.lineTo(1180, 218); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = '#bbb'; context.lineWidth = 5; context.moveTo(1180, 218); context.lineTo(1050, 218); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.lineWidth = 3; context.strokeStyle = '#bbb'; context.moveTo(1052, 218); context.lineTo(meshPoints[0].x, meshPoints[0].y); context.moveTo(1095, 218); context.lineTo(meshPoints[1].x, meshPoints[1].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[4].x, meshPoints[4].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[9].x, meshPoints[9].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[14].x, meshPoints[14].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[11].x, meshPoints[11].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[6].x, meshPoints[6].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[1].x, meshPoints[1].y); context.moveTo(1135, 218); context.lineTo(meshPoints[2].x, meshPoints[2].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[5].x, meshPoints[5].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[8].x, meshPoints[8].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[13].x, meshPoints[13].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[10].x, meshPoints[10].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[7].x, meshPoints[7].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[2].x, meshPoints[2].y); context.moveTo(1180, 218); context.lineTo(meshPoints[3].x, meshPoints[3].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[7].x, meshPoints[7].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[11].x, meshPoints[11].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[15].x, meshPoints[15].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[10].x, meshPoints[10].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[5].x, meshPoints[5].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[0].x, meshPoints[0].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[4].x, meshPoints[4].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[8].x, meshPoints[8].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[12].x, meshPoints[12].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[9].x, meshPoints[9].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[6].x, meshPoints[6].y); context.lineTo(meshPoints[3].x, meshPoints[3].y); context.stroke(); }; // touch with the edges of the basket function reboundFTBasket(properties, basketProp, mouse) { var touchEdgeA = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(1050 - properties.x, 2) + Math.pow(218 - properties.y, 2)); var touchEdgeB = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(1180 - properties.x, 2) + Math.pow(218 - properties.y, 2)); if (touchEdgeA < 40) { basketProp.touchA = true; properties.bottomTouch = true; var k = properties.x - 1050; if (k < 0) { if (mouse.lastSpeedX == 0) { mouse.lastSpeedX = mouse.lastSpeedX + 1; } if (mouse.lastSpeedX > 0) { mouse.lastSpeedX *= -1; } } else { mouse.lastSpeedX = mouse.lastSpeedX + 1; mouse.lastSpeedX *= 1; }; var d = properties.y - 218; if (d > 0) { mouse.lastSpeedY *= -0.5; } mouse.lastSpeedY *= -0.5; } else { basketProp.touchA = false; }; if (k > 0 && d > 0) { mouse.lastSpeedX *= -1; } if (touchEdgeB < 40) { basketProp.touchB = true; properties.bottomTouch = true; var s = properties.x - 1175; if (s < 0) { if (mouse.lastSpeedX == 0) { mouse.lastSpeedX = mouse.lastSpeedX + 1; } if (mouse.lastSpeedX > 0) { mouse.lastSpeedX *= -1; } } else { mouse.lastSpeedX = mouse.lastSpeedX + 1; mouse.lastSpeedX *= 1; }; var l = properties.y - 218; if (l > 0) { mouse.lastSpeedY *= -0.2; } mouse.lastSpeedY *= -0.5; } else { basketProp.touchB = false; }; if (!basketProp.touchA) { posiX = properties.x; posiY = properties.y; } else { properties.x = posiX; properties.y = posiY; }; if (!basketProp.touchB) { posiX2 = properties.x; posiY2 = properties.y; } else { properties.x = posiX2; properties.y = posiY2; }; }; function mesh(meshPoints, properties, mouse) { for (var i = 0; i < meshPoints.length; i++) { properties.distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(meshPoints[i].x - properties.x, 2) + Math.pow(meshPoints[i].y - properties.y, 2)); if (properties.distance < 40) { properties.touch = true; meshPoints[i].x += properties.distX; meshPoints[i].y += properties.distY; if (meshPoints[i].x > properties.x) { meshPoints[i].x++; } else { meshPoints[i].x--; } } else { properties.touch = false; } if (meshPoints[i].y < meshPoints[i].yFix && properties.touch == false) { meshPoints[i].y = meshPoints[i].y + 0.5; } if (meshPoints[i].y > meshPoints[i].yFix) { meshPoints[i].y = meshPoints[i].yFix; } if (meshPoints[i].y < meshPoints[i].yFix - 3) { meshPoints[i].y = meshPoints[i].yFix - 3; } if (meshPoints[i].y < 218) { meshPoints[i].y = 218; } if (meshPoints[i].x > meshPoints[i].xFix && properties.touch == false) { meshPoints[i].x = meshPoints[i].x - 1; } if (meshPoints[i].x < meshPoints[i].xFix && properties.touch == false) { meshPoints[i].x = meshPoints[i].x + 1; } if (meshPoints[i].x > meshPoints[i].xFix + 10) { meshPoints[i].x = meshPoints[i].xFix + 10; } if (meshPoints[i].x < meshPoints[i].xFix - 10) { meshPoints[i].x = meshPoints[i].xFix - 10; } if (properties.touch) { mouse.lastSpeedY *= 0.96; mouse.lastSpeedX *= 0.96; meshPoints[i].y = meshPoints[i].y - 2; } } }; function clearCanvas(context, gameSize) { context.fillStyle = "#333"; context.fillRect(0, 0, gameSize.x, gameSize.y); }; window.onload = function() { new BasketBall(); };
Overview Page - Script Codes
Overview Page - Script Codes
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Developer Tejus Bhalla
Username tloading33
Uploaded November 22, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,473 Kb
Views 12,144
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