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How do I make an particles?

Particles from an emitter moving behind some text. FPS counter included to measure performance. Select from two strategies : using fillRect() and setting pixels with get/putImageData(). There is a widget to change the number of particles. I get 60fps using fillrect on 10,000 particles, with putImageData I get 100,000 with 55fps.. What is a particles? How do you make a particles? This script and codes were developed by Sakri Rosenstrom on 13 September 2022, Tuesday.

Particles Previews

Particles - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Particles</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="canvasContainer"></div>
<span id="textInputSpan"> Enter your name (max 10 chars) : <input id="textInput" maxlength="10" type="text" width="150" /> <button onclick="changeText()">GO!</button> method: <select id="strategySelect" onchange="changeSettings()" > <option value="drawRect">drawRect()</option> <option value="drawRectColor">drawRect() color</option> <option value="perPixel">perPixel()</option> <option value="perPixelColor">perPixel() color</option> </select> particles : <select id="particlesSelect" onchange="changeSettings()" />
</span> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Particles - Script Codes CSS Codes

html, body{ margin : 0px; width : 100%; height : 100%; overflow: hidden; background-color: #000000; font-family: sans-serif;
#canvasContainer{ margin : 0px; width : 100%; height : 100%;
#textInputSpan{ position: absolute; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: sans-serif;

Particles - Script Codes JS Codes

 /* * Stats.js 1.1 * * */ function Stats() { this.init(); } Stats.prototype = { init: function() { this.frames = 0; this.framesMin = 100; this.framesMax = 0; this.time = new Date().getTime(); this.timePrev = new Date().getTime(); this.container = document.createElement("div"); = 'absolute'; = 'Arial'; = '10px'; = '#000020'; = '0.9'; = '80px'; = '2px'; this.framesText = document.createElement("div"); = '#00ffff'; = '3px'; = '3px'; this.framesText.innerHTML = '<strong>FPS</strong>'; this.container.appendChild(this.framesText); this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.canvas.width = 74; this.canvas.height = 30; = 'block'; = '3px'; = '3px'; this.container.appendChild(this.canvas); this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.context.fillStyle = '#101030'; this.context.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height ); this.contextImageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); setInterval( bargs( function( _this ) { _this.update(); return false; }, this ), 1000 ); }, getDisplayElement: function() { return this.container; }, tick: function() { this.frames++; }, update: function() { this.time = new Date().getTime(); this.fps = Math.round((this.frames * 1000 ) / (this.time - this.timePrev)); //.toPrecision(2); this.framesMin = Math.min(this.framesMin, this.fps); this.framesMax = Math.max(this.framesMax, this.fps); this.framesText.innerHTML = '<strong>' + this.fps + ' FPS</strong> (' + this.framesMin + '-' + this.framesMax + ')'; this.contextImageData = this.context.getImageData(1, 0, this.canvas.width - 1, 30); this.context.putImageData(this.contextImageData, 0, 0); this.context.fillStyle = '#101030'; this.context.fillRect(this.canvas.width - 1, 0, 1, 30); this.index = ( Math.floor(30 - Math.min(30, (this.fps / 60) * 30)) ); this.context.fillStyle = '#80ffff'; this.context.fillRect(this.canvas.width - 1, this.index, 1, 1); this.context.fillStyle = '#00ffff'; this.context.fillRect(this.canvas.width - 1, this.index + 1, 1, 30 - this.index); this.timePrev = this.time; this.frames = 0; } } // Hack by Spite function bargs( _fn ) { var args = []; for( var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++ ) args.push( arguments[ n ] ); return function () { return _fn.apply( this, args ); }; } (function (window){ var Sakri = window.Sakri || {}; window.Sakri = window.Sakri || Sakri; Sakri.MathUtil = {}; //return number between 1 and 0 Sakri.MathUtil.normalize = function(value, minimum, maximum){ return (value - minimum) / (maximum - minimum); }; //map normalized number to values Sakri.MathUtil.interpolate = function(normValue, minimum, maximum){ return minimum + (maximum - minimum) * normValue; }; //map a value from one set to another = function(value, min1, max1, min2, max2){ return Sakri.MathUtil.interpolate( Sakri.MathUtil.normalize(value, min1, max1), min2, max2); }; Sakri.MathUtil.hexToRgb = function(hex) { // Expand shorthand form (e.g. "03F") to full form (e.g. "0033FF") var shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, function(m, r, g, b) { return r + r + g + g + b + b; }); var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16) } : null; } Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomNumberInRange = function(min, max){ return min + Math.random() * (max - min); }; Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomIntegerInRange = function(min, max){ return Math.round(Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomNumberInRange(min, max)); }; }(window)); //has a dependency on Sakri.MathUtil (function (window){ var Sakri = window.Sakri || {}; window.Sakri = window.Sakri || Sakri; Sakri.Geom = {}; //================================================== //=====================::POINT::==================== //================================================== Sakri.Geom.Point = function (x,y){ this.x = isNaN(x) ? 0 : x; this.y = isNaN(y) ? 0 : y; }; Sakri.Geom.Point.prototype.clone = function(){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(this.x,this.y); }; Sakri.Geom.Point.prototype.update = function(x, y){ this.x = isNaN(x) ? this.x : x; this.y = isNaN(y) ? this.y : y; }; //================================================== //===================::RECTANGLE::================== //================================================== Sakri.Geom.Rectangle = function (x, y, width, height){ this.update(x, y, width, height); }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.update = function(x, y, width, height){ this.x = isNaN(x) ? 0 : x; this.y = isNaN(y) ? 0 : y; this.width = isNaN(width) ? 0 : width; this.height = isNaN(height) ? 0 : height; }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getRight = function(){ return this.x + this.width; }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getBottom = function(){ return this.y + this.height; }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getCenter = function(){ return new Sakri.Geom.Point(this.getCenterX(), this.getCenterY()); }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getCenterX = function(){ return this.x + this.width/2; }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.getCenterY=function(){ return this.y + this.height/2; }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.containsPoint = function(x, y){ return x >= this.x && y >= this.y && x <= this.getRight() && y <= this.getBottom(); }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.clone = function(){ return new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); }; Sakri.Geom.Rectangle.prototype.toString = function(){ return "Rectangle{x:"+this.x+" , y:"+this.y+" , width:"+this.width+" , height:"+this.height+"}"; }; }(window)); /** * Created by sakri on 27-1-14. * has a dependecy on Sakri.Geom * has a dependecy on Sakri.BitmapUtil */ (function (window){ var Sakri = window.Sakri || {}; window.Sakri = window.Sakri || Sakri; Sakri.CanvasTextUtil = {}; //returns the biggest font size that best fits into given width Sakri.CanvasTextUtil.getFontSizeForWidth = function(string, fontProps, width, canvas, fillStyle, maxFontSize){ if(!canvas){ var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); } if(!fillStyle){ fillStyle = "#000000"; } if(isNaN(maxFontSize)){ maxFontSize = 500; } var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.font = fontProps.getFontString(); context.textBaseline = "top"; var copy = fontProps.clone(); //console.log("getFontSizeForWidth() 1 : ", copy.fontSize); context.font = copy.getFontString(); var textWidth = context.measureText(string).width; //SOME DISAGREEMENT WHETHER THIS SHOOULD BE WITH && or || if(textWidth < width){ while(context.measureText(string).width < width){ copy.fontSize++; context.font = copy.getFontString(); if(copy.fontSize > maxFontSize){ console.log("getFontSizeForWidth() max fontsize reached"); return null; } } }else if(textWidth > width){ while(context.measureText(string).width > width){ copy.fontSize--; context.font = copy.getFontString(); if(copy.fontSize < 0){ console.log("getFontSizeForWidth() min fontsize reached"); return null; } } } //console.log("getFontSizeForWidth() 2 : ", copy.fontSize); return copy.fontSize; }; //========================================================================================= //==============::CANVAS TEXT PROPERTIES::==================================== //======================================================== Sakri.CanvasTextProperties = function(fontWeight, fontStyle, fontSize, fontFace){ this.setFontWeight(fontWeight); this.setFontStyle(fontStyle); this.setFontSize(fontSize); this.fontFace = fontFace ? fontFace : "sans-serif"; }; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL = "normal"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLD = "bold"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLDER = "bolder"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.LIGHTER = "lighter"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.ITALIC = "italic"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.OBLIQUE = "oblique"; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.prototype.setFontWeight = function(fontWeight){ switch (fontWeight){ case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLD: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLDER: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.LIGHTER: this.fontWeight = fontWeight; break; default: this.fontWeight = Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL; } }; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.prototype.setFontStyle = function(fontStyle){ switch (fontStyle){ case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.ITALIC: case Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.OBLIQUE: this.fontStyle = fontStyle; break; default: this.fontStyle = Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.NORMAL; } }; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.prototype.setFontSize = function(fontSize){ if(fontSize && fontSize.indexOf && fontSize.indexOf("px")>-1){ var size = fontSize.split("px")[0]; fontProperites.fontSize = isNaN(size) ? 24 : size;//24 is just an arbitrary number return; } this.fontSize = isNaN(fontSize) ? 24 : fontSize;//24 is just an arbitrary number }; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.prototype.clone = function(){ return new Sakri.CanvasTextProperties(this.fontWeight, this.fontStyle, this.fontSize, this.fontFace); }; Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.prototype.getFontString = function(){ return this.fontWeight + " " + this.fontStyle + " " + this.fontSize + "px " + this.fontFace; }; }(window)); //=========================::UNIT ANIMATOR::=============================== //animates a number from 0-1 (with optional easing) for a given duration and a framerate //this is used to animate or tweeen visuals which are set up using interpolation (function (window){ window.requestAnimationFrame = window.__requestAnimationFrame || window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || (function () { return function (callback, element) { var lastTime = element.__lastTime; if (lastTime === undefined) { lastTime = 0; } var currTime =; var timeToCall = Math.max(1, 33 - (currTime - lastTime)); window.setTimeout(callback, timeToCall); element.__lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; }; })(); var Sakri = window.Sakri || {}; window.Sakri = window.Sakri || Sakri; //constructor, duration and framerate must be in milliseconds Sakri.UnitAnimator = function(duration, canvas, updateCallBack, completeCallBack){ this.easingFunction = Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeLinear;//default this.animating = false; this.canvas = canvas; var scope = this; this.loopFunction = function(){scope.loop();}; this.reset(duration, updateCallBack, completeCallBack); }; //t is "time" this.millisecondsAnimated //b is the "beginning" value //c is "change" or the difference of end-start value //d is this.duration //classic Robert Penner easing functions // Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeLinear = function(t, b, c, d){ return c * (t / d) + b; }; //SINE Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInSine = function (t, b, c, d){ return -c * Math.cos(t/d * Sakri.MathUtil.HALF_PI) + c + b; }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeOutSine = function (t, b, c, d){ return c * Math.sin(t/d * Sakri.MathUtil.HALF_PI) + b; }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInOutSine = function (t, b, c, d){ return -c/2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI*t/d) - 1) + b; }; //BOUNCE Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInBounce = function(t, b, c, d){ return c - Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeOutBounce (d-t, 0, c, d) + b; }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeOutBounce = function(t, b, c, d){ if ((t/=d) < (1/2.75)) { return c*(7.5625*t*t) + b; } else if (t < (2/2.75)) { return c*(7.5625*(t-=(1.5/2.75))*t + .75) + b; } else if (t < (2.5/2.75)) { return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.25/2.75))*t + .9375) + b; } else { return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.625/2.75))*t + .984375) + b; } }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInOutBounce = function (t, b, c, d){ if (t < d/2){ return Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInBounce (t*2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b; } return Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeOutBounce (t*2-d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c*.5 + b; }; //ELASTIC Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInElastic = function(t, b, c, d, a, p){ var s; if (t==0){ return b; } if ((t/=d)==1){ return b+c; } if (!p){ p=d*.3; } if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; s=p/4; }else{ s = p/Sakri.MathUtil.PI2 * Math.asin (c/a); } return -(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*Sakri.MathUtil.PI2/p )) + b; }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeOutElastic = function(t, b, c, d, a, p){ var s; if (t==0){ return b; } if ((t/=d)==1){ return b+c; } if (!p){ p=d*.3; } if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; s=p/4; }else{ s = p/Sakri.MathUtil.PI2 * Math.asin (c/a); } return (a*Math.pow(2,-10*t) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*Sakri.MathUtil.PI2/p ) + c + b); }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInOutElastic = function(t, b, c, d, a, p){ var s; if (t==0){ return b; } if ((t/=d/2)==2){ return b+c; } if (!p){ p=d*(.3*1.5); } if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; s=p/4; }else{ s = p/Sakri.MathUtil.PI2 * Math.asin (c/a); } if (t < 1){ return -.5*(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*Sakri.MathUtil.PI2/p )) + b; } return a*Math.pow(2,-10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*Sakri.MathUtil.PI2/p )*.5 + c + b; }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.easingFunctions = [Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeLinear, Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInSine, Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeOutSine, Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInOutSine, Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInBounce, Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeOutBounce, Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInOutBounce, Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInElastic, Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeOutElastic, Sakri.UnitAnimator.easeInOutElastic ]; Sakri.UnitAnimator.getRandomEasingFunction = function(){ return Sakri.UnitAnimator.easingFunctions[Math.floor( Math.random()*Sakri.UnitAnimator.easingFunctions.length )]; }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.setRandomEasingFunction = function(){ this.easingFunction = Sakri.UnitAnimator.getRandomEasingFunction(); }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.setEasingFunction = function(easingFunction){ if(Sakri.UnitAnimator.easingFunctions.indexOf(easingFunction) > -1){ this.easingFunction = easingFunction; } }; //easing (t, b, c, d) //@t is the current time (or position) of the tween. This can be seconds or frames, steps, seconds, ms, whatever � as long as the unit is the same as is used for the total time [3]. //@b is the beginning value of the property. //@c is the change between the beginning and destination value of the property. //@d is the total time of the tween. Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.getAnimationPercent = function(){ return this.easingFunction(Sakri.MathUtil.normalize(this.millisecondsAnimated, 0, this.duration), 0, 1, 1); }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.reset = function(duration, updateCallBack, completeCallBack){ this.duration = duration; this.updateCallBack = updateCallBack; this.completeCallBack = completeCallBack; }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.start = function(easingFunction){ //console.log("Sakri.UnitAnimator.start()"); if(easingFunction){ this.setEasingFunction(easingFunction); } this.animating = true; this.animationStart =; this.millisecondsAnimated = 0;//keeps track of how long the animation has been running this.loop(); }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.loop = function(){ if(!this.animating){ return; } this.update(); window.requestAnimationFrame(this.loopFunction, canvas); } Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.pause = function(){ this.animating = false; }; //refactor, make private Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.update = function(){ //console.log("Sakri.UnitAnimator.update()",this.getAnimationPercent()); this.millisecondsAnimated = - this.animationStart; if(this.millisecondsAnimated >= this.duration){ //console.log("Sakri.UnitAnimator.update() animation complete"); this.pause(); this.millisecondsAnimated = this.duration; this.dispatchUpdate(); this.dispatchComplete(); return; } this.dispatchUpdate(); }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.dispatchUpdate = function(){ if(this.updateCallBack){ //console.log("Sakri.UnitAnimator.dispatchUpdate()",this.getAnimationPercent()); this.updateCallBack(); } }; Sakri.UnitAnimator.prototype.dispatchComplete = function(){ if(this.completeCallBack){ this.completeCallBack(); } }; }(window)); //============::ACTUAL DEMO::================= window.requestAnimationFrame = window.__requestAnimationFrame || window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || (function () { return function (callback, element) { var lastTime = element.__lastTime; if (lastTime === undefined) { lastTime = 0; } var currTime =; var timeToCall = Math.max(1, 33 - (currTime - lastTime)); window.setTimeout(callback, timeToCall); element.__lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; }; })(); var readyStateCheckInterval = setInterval( function() { if (document.readyState === "complete") { clearInterval(readyStateCheckInterval); init(); } }, 10); //======================== //general properties for demo set up //======================== var canvas; var context; var canvasContainer; var htmlBounds; var bounds; var minimumStageWidth = 250; var minimumStageHeight = 250; var maxStageWidth = 1000; var maxStageHeight = 600; var resizeTimeoutId = -1; var stats; function init(){ canvasContainer = document.getElementById("canvasContainer"); window.onresize = resizeHandler; stats = new Stats(); canvasContainer.appendChild( stats.getDisplayElement() ); commitResize(); } function getWidth( element ){return Math.max(element.scrollWidth,element.offsetWidth,element.clientWidth );} function getHeight( element ){return Math.max(element.scrollHeight,element.offsetHeight,element.clientHeight );} //avoid running resize scripts repeatedly if a browser window is being resized by dragging function resizeHandler(){ context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height); clearTimeout(resizeTimeoutId); clearTimeoutsAndIntervals(); resizeTimeoutId = setTimeout(commitResize, 300 ); } function commitResize(){ if(canvas){ canvasContainer.removeChild(canvas); } canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = "absolute"; context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvasContainer.appendChild(canvas); htmlBounds = new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(0,0, getWidth(canvasContainer) , getHeight(canvasContainer)); if(htmlBounds.width >= maxStageWidth){ canvas.width = maxStageWidth; = htmlBounds.getCenterX() - (maxStageWidth/2)+"px"; }else{ canvas.width = htmlBounds.width; ="0px"; } if(htmlBounds.height > maxStageHeight){ canvas.height = maxStageHeight; = htmlBounds.getCenterY() - (maxStageHeight/2)+"px"; }else{ canvas.height = htmlBounds.height; ="0px"; } bounds = new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height); if(bounds.width<minimumStageWidth || bounds.height<minimumStageHeight){ stageTooSmallHandler(); return; } var textInputSpan = document.getElementById("textInputSpan"); = htmlBounds.getCenterY() + (bounds.height/2) + 20 +"px"; = (htmlBounds.getCenterX() - getWidth(textInputSpan)/2)+"px"; startDemo(); } function stageTooSmallHandler(){ var warning = "Sorry, bigger screen required :("; context.font = "bold normal 24px sans-serif"; context.fillText(warning, bounds.getCenterX() - context.measureText(warning).width/2, bounds.getCenterY()-12); } //======================== //Demo specific properties //======================== var animating = false; var particles = []; var numParticles = 4000; var currentText = "SAKRI"; var fontRect; var fontProperties = new Sakri.CanvasTextProperties(Sakri.CanvasTextProperties.BOLD, null, 100); var animator; var particleSource = new Sakri.Geom.Point();; var particleSourceStart = new Sakri.Geom.Point(); var particleSourceTarget = new Sakri.Geom.Point(); var redParticles = ["#fe7a51" , "#fdd039" , "#fd3141"]; var greenParticles = ["#dbffa6" , "#fcf8fd" , "#99de5e"]; var pinkParticles = ["#fef4f7" , "#f2a0c0" , "#fb3c78"]; var yellowParticles = ["#fdfbd5" , "#fff124" , "#f4990e"]; var blueParticles = ["#9ca2df" , "#222a6d" , "#333b8d"]; var particleColorSets = [redParticles, greenParticles, pinkParticles, yellowParticles, blueParticles]; var particleColorIndex = 0; var renderParticleFunction; var renderBounds; var particleCountOptions = [2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 15000, 20000 ]; var pixelParticleCountOptions = [10000, 40000, 60000, 80000, 100000, 150000 ]; function clearTimeoutsAndIntervals(){ animating = false; } function startDemo(){ //makes sure we don't try to access pixels outside of the canvas renderBounds = bounds.clone(); renderBounds.x += 10; renderBounds.y += 10; renderBounds.width -= 20; renderBounds.height -= 20; switch(document.getElementById("strategySelect").value){ case "drawRect": renderParticleFunction = renderParticlesDrawRect; setParticleNumberOptions(particleCountOptions); numParticles = parseInt(document.getElementById("particlesSelect").value); createParticles(); break; case "drawRectColor": renderParticleFunction = renderParticlesDrawRectWithColor; setParticleNumberOptions(particleCountOptions); numParticles = parseInt(document.getElementById("particlesSelect").value); createDrawRectColorParticles(); break; case "perPixel": renderParticleFunction = renderParticlesPerPixel; setParticleNumberOptions(pixelParticleCountOptions); numParticles = parseInt(document.getElementById("particlesSelect").value); createParticles(); break; case "perPixelColor": renderParticleFunction = renderParticlesPerPixelColor; setParticleNumberOptions(pixelParticleCountOptions); numParticles = parseInt(document.getElementById("particlesSelect").value); createPixelColorParticles(); break; } fontRect = new Sakri.Geom.Rectangle(bounds.x + bounds.width*.1, 0, bounds.width - bounds.width*.2, bounds.height); fontProperties.fontSize = 100; fontProperties.fontSize = Sakri.CanvasTextUtil.getFontSizeForWidth(currentText, fontProperties, fontRect.width, canvas); fontRect.y = bounds.getCenterY() - fontProperties.fontSize/2; fontRect.height = fontProperties.fontSize; context.font = fontProperties.getFontString(); particleSource.x = particleSourceStart.x = Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomNumberInRange(fontRect.x, fontRect.getRight()); particleSource.y = particleSourceStart.y = Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomNumberInRange(fontRect.y, fontRect.getBottom()); animator = new Sakri.UnitAnimator(2000, canvas, animatorUpdate, animatorComplete); nextParticleSourceTween(); animating = true; loop(); } function nextParticleSourceTween(){ particleColorIndex++; particleColorIndex %= particleColorSets.length; particleSourceTarget.x = Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomNumberInRange(fontRect.x, fontRect.getRight()); particleSourceTarget.y = Sakri.MathUtil.getRandomNumberInRange(fontRect.y, fontRect.getBottom()); animator.setEasingFunction = Sakri.UnitAnimator.getRandomEasingFunction(); animator.start(); } function animatorUpdate(){ particleSource.x = particleSourceStart.x + (particleSourceTarget.x - particleSourceStart.x) * animator.getAnimationPercent(); particleSource.y = particleSourceStart.y + (particleSourceTarget.y - particleSourceStart.y) * animator.getAnimationPercent(); } function animatorComplete(){ particleSourceStart.x = particleSourceTarget.x; particleSourceStart.y = particleSourceTarget.y; setTimeout(nextParticleSourceTween, 100); } function getParticleColor(){ var set = particleColorSets[particleColorIndex]; return set[Math.floor(Math.random()*set.length)]; } function createDrawRectColorParticles(){ particles = []; for(var i=0; i<numParticles * 5; i+=5){ particles[i] = particleSource.x;//x particles[i+1] = particleSource.y;//y particles[i+2] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//xSpeed particles[i+3] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//ySpeed particles[i+4] = getParticleColor();//color } } function createParticles(){ particles = []; for(var i=0; i<numParticles * 4; i+=4){ particles[i] = particleSource.x;//x particles[i+1] = particleSource.y;//y particles[i+2] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//xSpeed particles[i+3] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//ySpeed } } function createPixelColorParticles(){ particles = []; var rgb; for(var i=0; i<numParticles * 7; i+=7){ particles[i] = particleSource.x;//x particles[i+1] = particleSource.y;//y particles[i+2] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//xSpeed particles[i+3] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//ySpeed rgb = Sakri.MathUtil.hexToRgb(getParticleColor()); particles[i+4] = rgb.r; particles[i+5] = rgb.g; particles[i+6] = rgb.b; } } function loop(){ if(!animating){ return; } stats.tick(); //fill bg context.fillStyle = "#000000"; context.globalAlpha = .05; context.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height); context.globalAlpha = 1; //render particles renderParticleFunction(); //render text context.globalAlpha = .5; context.fillStyle = "#000000"; context.fillText(currentText, fontRect.x, bounds.getCenterY() - fontProperties.fontSize/2); context.globalAlpha = 1; window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas); } function renderParticlesDrawRectWithColor(){ for(var i=0; i<particles.length; i+=5 ){ particles[i] += particles[i+2]; particles[i+1] += particles[i+3]; particles[i+3] += .05; context.fillStyle = particles[i+4]; context.fillRect(particles[i], particles[i+1], 1, 1); if(!bounds.containsPoint(particles[i], particles[i+1] )){ particles[i] = particleSource.x;//x particles[i+1] = particleSource.y;//y particles[i+2] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//xSpeed particles[i+3] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//ySpeed particles[i+4] = getParticleColor();//color } } } function renderParticlesDrawRect(){ context.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; for(var i=0; i<particles.length; i+=4 ){ particles[i] += particles[i+2]; particles[i+1] += particles[i+3]; particles[i+3] += .05; context.fillRect(particles[i], particles[i+1], 1, 1); if(!bounds.containsPoint(particles[i], particles[i+1] )){ particles[i] = particleSource.x;//x particles[i+1] = particleSource.y;//y particles[i+2] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//xSpeed particles[i+3] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//ySpeed } } } function renderParticlesPerPixel(){ var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); var data =; var rowWidth = imageData.width * 4; var index; var i, length = particles.length; for(i=0; i<length; i+=4 ){ particles[i] += particles[i+2]; particles[i+1] += particles[i+3]; particles[i+3] += .05; index = Math.round(particles[i]) * 4 + Math.round(particles[i+1]) * rowWidth; data[index] += 50; data[index + 1] += 50; data[index + 2] += 50; if(!renderBounds.containsPoint(particles[i], particles[i+1] )){ particles[i] = particleSource.x;//x particles[i+1] = particleSource.y;//y particles[i+2] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//xSpeed particles[i+3] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//ySpeed } } context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); } function renderParticlesPerPixelColor(){ var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); var data =; var rowWidth = imageData.width * 4; var index; var i, rgb, length = particles.length; for(i=0; i<length; i+=7 ){ particles[i] += particles[i+2]; particles[i+1] += particles[i+3]; particles[i+3] += .05; index = Math.round(particles[i]) * 4 + Math.round(particles[i+1]) * rowWidth; data[index] = particles[i+4]; data[index + 1] = particles[i+5]; data[index + 2] = particles[i+6]; if(!renderBounds.containsPoint(particles[i], particles[i+1] )){ particles[i] = particleSource.x;//x particles[i+1] = particleSource.y;//y particles[i+2] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//xSpeed particles[i+3] = -5 + Math.random()*10;//ySpeed rgb = Sakri.MathUtil.hexToRgb(getParticleColor()); particles[i+4] = rgb.r; particles[i+5] = rgb.g; particles[i+6] = rgb.b; } } context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); } var maxCharacters = 10; function changeText(){ var textInput = document.getElementById("textInput"); if(textInput.value && textInput.text!=""){ if(textInput.value.length > maxCharacters){ alert("Sorry, there is only room for "+maxCharacters+" characters. Try a shorter name."); return; } if(textInput.value.indexOf(" ")>-1){ alert("Sorry, no support for spaces right now :("); return; } currentText = textInput.value; clearTimeoutsAndIntervals(); animating = false; setTimeout(commitResize, 100); } } function changeSettings(){ clearTimeoutsAndIntervals(); animating = false; setTimeout(commitResize, 100); } function setParticleNumberOptions(values){ var selector = document.getElementById("particlesSelect"); if(selector.options.length>0 && parseInt(selector.options[0].value) == values[0] ){ return; } while(selector.options.length){ selector.remove(selector.options.length-1); } for(var i=0;i <values.length; i++){ selector.options[i] = new Option(values[i], values[i], i==0, i==0); } }
Particles - Script Codes
Particles - Script Codes
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Developer Sakri Rosenstrom
Username sakri
Uploaded September 13, 2022
Rating 4
Size 9,207 Kb
Views 26,312
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