React Pokedex

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How do I make an react pokedex?

Http:// What is a react pokedex? How do you make a react pokedex? This script and codes were developed by Mihkel on 08 December 2022, Thursday.

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React Pokedex - Script Codes HTML Codes

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React Pokedex - Script Codes CSS Codes

.input-group-addon:hover, .ability-toggle:hover {	cursor:pointer;
input.form-control,input.form-control:focus { border:none; box-shadow: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; -moz-transition: none; -webkit-transition: none;
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.btn-lg.btn-default, .btn-lg.outline {	padding: 18px 38px;
} */

React Pokedex - Script Codes JS Codes

var HTTP = { baseUrl: "",	get: function (uri) {	return fetch(this.baseUrl + uri)	.then(function (res) {	return res.json();	});	}
var Actions = Reflux.createActions([	"getPokemons",	"sort",	"search",	"resetSearch",	"getDetails"
var PokemonStore = Reflux.createStore({	listenables: [Actions],	getPokemons: function (start, end) {	if (!this.pokemons) this.pokemons = [];	var check;	for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {	if (i > 718) return this.sort("Lowest Number First");	(function (i) { HTTP.get("/api/v1/pokemon/" + i) .then(function (data) { check = this.checkDuplicates(data.pkdx_id); if (check) { var pokemon = { name:, type: data.types, id: data.pkdx_id, imgUrl: "" + data.pkdx_id + ".png", detailsUrl: "/pokemons/" + data.pkdx_id }; this.pokemons.push(pokemon); } if (i === end - 1) this.sort("Lowest Number First"); }.bind(this));	}.bind(this))(i);	}	},	checkDuplicates: function (pokemonId) {	return this.pokemons.every(function (item) {	return !== pokemonId;	});	},	sort: function (method) {	this.pokemons = this.pokemons.sort(function (a, b) {	switch (method) {	case "A-Z":	return;	case "Z-A":	return;	case "Lowest Number First":	return -;	case "Highest Number First":	return -;	}	});	this.fireUpdate();	},	search: function (searchQuery) {	if (!this.backup) this.backup = this.pokemons;	searchQuery = searchQuery.toLowerCase();	this.pokemons = this.backup.filter(function (item) {	if ( > -1 || > -1) {	return true;	} else if (item.type[0].name.toLowerCase() === searchQuery) {	return true;	} else if (typeof item.type[1] !== "undefined" && item.type[1].name === searchQuery) {	return true;	}	});	this.fireUpdate();	},	resetSearch: function () {	this.pokemons = this.backup;	this.fireUpdate();	},	fireUpdate: function () {	this.trigger("change", this.pokemons);	}
var PokemonDetailStore = Reflux.createStore({	listenables: [Actions],	getDetails: function (pokemonId) {	var pokemon = {};	HTTP.get("/api/v1/pokemon/" + pokemonId)	.then(function (data) { =;	pokemon.type = data.types; = data.pkdx_id;	pokemon.imgUrl = "" + data.pkdx_id + ".png";	pokemon.height = data.height;	pokemon.weight = data.weight;	pokemon.attack = data.attack;	pokemon.defense = data.defense;	pokemon.hp = data.hp;	pokemon.sp_atk = data.sp_atk;	pokemon.sp_def = data.sp_def;	pokemon.speed = data.speed;	// description	HTTP.get(data.descriptions[0].resource_uri)	.then(function (data2) {	pokemon.description = data2.description;	// weaknesses	HTTP.get(data.types[0].resource_uri)	.then(function (data3) {	pokemon.weaknesses = data3.weakness;	// category	HTTP.get("/api/v2/pokemon-species/" + data.pkdx_id)	.then(function (data4) {	pokemon.category = data4.genera[0].genus;	// get ability description	HTTP.get("/api/v2/ability/" + data.abilities[0].name)	.then(function (data) {	pokemon.ability = data.names[0].name;	pokemon.abilityDescription = data.flavor_text_entries[1].flavor_text;	this.trigger("change", pokemon);	}.bind(this));	}.bind(this));	}.bind(this));	}.bind(this));	}.bind(this));	}
var SearchField = React.createClass({	getInitialState: function () {	return {	value: "",	hidden: "hidden",	isSearched: false	};	},	onChange: function (e) {	this.setState({ value: });	},	onSubmit: function (e) {	e.preventDefault();	if (this.state.value) {	this.setState({ isSearched: true });;	this.setState({ value: "" });	this.setState({ hidden: "" });	}	},	onClick: function () {	this.setState({ isSearched: false });	this.setState({ hidden: "hidden" });	Actions.resetSearch();	},	render: function () {	var headerStyle = {	background: "#303030",	color: "#FFF",	paddingBottom: 10,	paddingLeft: 35,	paddingTop:30	};	var iconStyle = {	background:"#eb8f34",	borderColor: "#e59400",	color: "#FFF"	};	var paraStyle = {	marginTop: 10	};	var classes = classNames("btn btn-warning sharp btn-sm", this.props.className, {	"hidden": this.state.hidden	});	return (	<div className="container"> <div style={headerStyle} className="header"> <div className="row"> <div className="col-xs-12"> <h3>Name, Number or Type</h3> </div> </div> <div className="row"> <div className="col-sm-8 col-md-6"> <form action="" method="" onSubmit={this.onSubmit} > <div className="input-group col-xs-8 col-md-6"> <div className="input-group"> <input type="text" className="form-control" placeholder="Search.." value={this.state.value} onChange={this.onChange} /> <span style={iconStyle} onClick={this.onSubmit} className="input-group-addon"> <i className="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></i> </span> </div> </div> </form> <p style={paraStyle}>Use the Advanced Search to explore Pokemon by type, weakness, Ability and more!</p> <button onClick={this.onClick} className={classes}>Reset</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>	);	}
var Buttons = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function () { return { sortMethod: "Sort By" }; }, randomPokemon: function () { var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (719 - 1) + 1); window.location.href = window.location.href + "/pokemons/" + random; }, sort: function (e) { var method =; Actions.sort(method); this.setState({ sortMethod: method }); }, render: function () { var margin = { marginTop: 25 }; return ( <div className="container" style={margin}> <div className="row"> <div className="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <button onClick={this.randomPokemon} className="btn btn-primary sharp btn-block">Surprise Me!</button> </div> <div className="col-sm-4 col-sm-offset-4 col-xs-12"> <div className="dropdown"> <button className="btn btn-warning btn-block sharp dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdown-btn" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true"> {this.state.sortMethod} <span className="caret"></span> </button> <ul className="dropdown-menu btn-block" aria-labelledby="dropdown-btn"> <li onClick={this.sort}><a href="#">A-Z</a></li> <li onClick={this.sort}><a href="#">Z-A</a></li> <li onClick={this.sort}><a href="#">Lowest Number First</a></li> <li onClick={this.sort}><a href="#">Highest Number First</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); }
var AbilityDescription = React.createClass({	getInitialState: function () {	return { hidden: "hidden"};	},	render: function () {	var iconStyle = {	position: "absolute",	top: 10,	right: 10,	color: "#FFF"	};	var headerStyle = {	fontWeight: 700,	color: "#333"	};	var paraStyle = {	color: "#EEE",	fontWeight: 700	};	var classes = classNames("panel-default", this.props.className, {	"hidden": this.state.hidden	});	return (	<div className={classes}> <div className="panel-body"> <h4 style={headerStyle}>{this.props.ability}</h4> <i onClick={this.props.callback} className="fa fa-times ability-toggle" style={iconStyle}></i> <p style={paraStyle}>{this.props.abilityDescription}</p> </div> </div>	);	}
var PokemonDescription = React.createClass({	render: function () {	var style = { fontWeight: 700 };	return (	<div className="col-xs-12"> <p style={style}>{this.props.pokemonDescription}</p> </div>	);	}
var PokemonCharacteristics = React.createClass({	getInitialState: function () {	return { hidden: "" };	},	hideElements: function () {	this.setState({ hidden: "hidden" });	this.refs.abilityDescription.setState({ hidden: "" });	},	callback: function () {	this.refs.abilityDescription.setState({ hidden: "hidden" });	this.setState({ hidden: "" });	},	getHeight: function (height) {	return (height / 3.846153846).toFixed(1) + "'";	},	getWeight: function (weight) {	return (weight / 4.545454545).toFixed(1) + " lbs";	},	render: function () {	var wellStyle = {	background: "#0099cc",	marginTop: 110,	minHeight:158	};	var headerStyle = {	color: "#FFF",	fontWeight: 700	};	var infoStyle = {	marginTop: -5	};	var iconStyle = {	color: "#FFF"	};	var belowColStyle = {	marginTop: 10	};	var classes = classNames("col-xs-6", this.props.className, {	"hidden": this.state.hidden	});	return (	<div style={wellStyle} className="col-xs-12 well">	<AbilityDescription	ref="abilityDescription"	callback={this.callback}	abilityDescription={this.props.abilityDescription}	ability={this.props.ability}	/> <div className={classes}> <p style={headerStyle}>Height</p> <h4 style={infoStyle}>{this.getHeight(this.props.height)}</h4> </div> <div className={classes}> <p style={headerStyle}>Category</p> <h4 style={infoStyle}>{this.props.category}</h4> </div> <div className={classes} style={belowColStyle}> <p style={headerStyle}>Weight</p> <h4 style={infoStyle}>{this.getWeight(this.props.weight)}</h4> </div> <div className={classes} style={belowColStyle}> <p style={headerStyle}>Abilities</p> <h4 style={infoStyle}> {this.props.ability}&nbsp; <i onClick={this.hideElements} style={iconStyle} className="fa fa-info-circle ability-toggle"></i> </h4> </div>	</div>	);	}
var PokemonNameId = React.createClass({	formatId: function (id) {	if (id.length === 1) {	return "#00" + id;	} else if (id.length === 2) {	return "#0" + id;	} else {	return "#" + id;	}	},	render: function () {	if (!this.props.pokemonId) return null;	var headerStyle = {	textAlign: "center",	fontWeight: 700,	opacity: 0.8	};	var idStyle = {	opacity: 0.5	};	var divStyle = {	paddingBottom: 70,	marginTop:30	};	return (	<div style={divStyle} className="col-xs-12"> <h1 style={headerStyle}>{this.props.pokemonName} <span style={idStyle}> {this.formatId(this.props.pokemonId.toString())}</span></h1>	</div>	);	}
var PokemonType = React.createClass({	getInitialState: function () {	return {	backgroundColor: "",	fontColor: "#FFF"	};	},	componentWillMount: function () {	this.getColor(this.props.pokemonType);	},	componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) {	this.getColor(nextProps.pokemonType);	},	uppercaser: function (str) {	return str.replace(str[0], str[0].toUpperCase());	},	getColor: function (pokemonType) {	var background = "";	var font = "#FFF";	switch (pokemonType) {	case "poison":	background = "#b97fc9";	break;	case "grass":	background = "#9bcc50";	font = "#333";	break;	case "ice":	background = "#51c4e7";	font = "#333";	break;	case "flying":	background = "linear-gradient(180deg, #3dc7ef 50%, #bdb9b8 50%)";	font = "#333";	break;	case "fire":	background = "#fd7d24";	break;	case "psychic":	background = "#f366b9";	break;	case "bug":	background = "#729f3f";	break;	case "dragon":	background = "linear-gradient(180deg, #53a4cf 50%, #f16e57 50%)";	break;	case "fairy":	background = "#fdb9e9";	font = "#333";	break;	case "ghost":	background = "#7b62a3";	break;	case "ground":	background = "linear-gradient(180deg, #f7de3f 50%, #ab9842 50%)";	font = "#333";	break;	case "normal":	background = "#a4acaf";	break;	case "steel":	background = "#9eb7b8";	font = "#333";	break;	case "dark":	background = "#707070";	break;	case "electric":	background = "#eed535";	font = "#333";	break;	case "fighting":	background = "#d56723";	break;	case "rock":	background = "#a38c21";	break;	case "water":	background = "#4592c4";	break;	}	this.setState({ fontColor: font });	this.setState({ backgroundColor: background });	},	render: function () {	var colStyle = {	textAlign: "center",	background: this.state.backgroundColor,	border: this.props.border	};	var typeStyle = {	marginTop: 8,	color: this.state.fontColor,	fontWeight:700	};	return (	<div style={colStyle} className={this.props.colSize}>	<p style={typeStyle}>{this.uppercaser(this.props.pokemonType)}</p>	</div>	);	}
var TypesAndWeaknesses = React.createClass({	render: function () {	// async ??	if (!this.props.pokemonType) return null;	var imgStyle = {	margin: "0 auto",	display: "block"	};	var colStyle = {	paddingTop: 10	};	var types = [];	var weaknesses = [];	this.props.pokemonType.forEach(function (item, index) {	types.push(<PokemonType key={index} pokemonType={} colSize="col-sm-4" border="3px solid #EEE" />);	});	this.props.weaknesses.forEach(function (item, index) {	weaknesses.push(<PokemonType key={index} pokemonType={} colSize="col-sm-4" border="3px solid #EEE" />);	});	return (	<div className="col-xs-6"> <div className="col-xs-12"> <img style={imgStyle} src={this.props.imgUrl} alt="pokemon" className="img-responsive"/> </div> <br/> <div className="col-xs-12"> <h4>Type</h4> {types} <br/> </div> <div style={colStyle} className="col-xs-12"> <h4>Weaknesses</h4> <br/> {weaknesses} <br/> </div> </div>	);	}
var PokemonStats = React.createClass({	render: function () {	var hpStyle = {	width: this.props.hp + "%",	background: "#0099cc"	}; var attackStyle = { width: this.props.attack + "%", background: "#0099cc", }; var defenseStyle = { width: this.props.defense + "%", background: "#0099cc", }; var spatkStyle = { width: this.props.sp_atk + "%", background: "#0099cc" }; var spdefStyle = { width: this.props.sp_def + "%", background: "#0099cc" }; var speedStyle = { width: this.props.speed + "%", background: "#0099cc" }; var special = { marginTop: 13 }; var progressStyle = { position: "relative" }; var spanStyle = { position: "absolute", display: "block", width: "100%", fontWeight: 700, color: "#000" };	return (	<div className="row">	<div className="col-sm-6"> <div className="col-sm-12"> <div className="col-sm-2"> <p>HP</p> </div> <div className="col-sm-10"> <div style={progressStyle} className="progress"> <div className="progress-bar progress-bar-custom" role="progressbar" style={hpStyle}> <span style={spanStyle}>{this.props.hp}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div style={special} className="col-sm-12"> <div className="col-sm-2"> <p>Attack</p> </div> <div className="col-sm-10"> <div style={progressStyle} className="progress"> <div className="progress-bar progress-bar-custom" role="progressbar" style={attackStyle}> <span style={spanStyle}>{this.props.attack}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div style={special} className="col-sm-12"> <div className="col-sm-2"> <p>Defense</p> </div> <div className="col-sm-10"> <div style={progressStyle} className="progress"> <div className="progress-bar progress-bar-custom" role="progressbar" style={defenseStyle}> <span style={spanStyle}>{this.props.defense}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div className="col-sm-6"> <div className="col-sm-12"> <div className="col-sm-2"> <p>Special Attack</p> </div> <div className="col-sm-10"> <div style={progressStyle} className="progress"> <div className="progress-bar progress-bar-custom" role="progressbar" style={spatkStyle}> <span style={spanStyle}>{this.props.sp_atk}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div className="col-sm-12"> <div className="col-sm-2"> <p>Special Defense</p> </div> <div className="col-sm-10"> <div style={progressStyle} className="progress"> <div className="progress-bar progress-bar-custom" role="progressbar" style={spdefStyle}> <span style={spanStyle}>{this.props.sp_def}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div className="col-sm-12"> <div className="col-sm-2"> <p>Speed</p> </div> <div className="col-sm-10"> <div style={progressStyle} className="progress"> <div className="progress-bar progress-bar-custom" role="progressbar" style={speedStyle}> <span style={spanStyle}>{this.props.speed}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>	</div>	);	}
var PokemonContainer = React.createClass({	formatId: function (id) {	if (id.length === 1) {	return "#00" + id;	} else if (id.length === 2) {	return "#0" + id;	} else {	return "#" + id;	}	},	render: function () {	var captionStyle = {	marginTop: -18	};	var containerStyle = {	background: "#FFF",	padding: 10,	border: "12px solid #EEE",	height: 298	};	var pokemonIdStyle = {	opacity: 0.5,	fontSize: 16,	fontWeight: 700	};	var thumbnailStyle = {	height: 130	};	var types = [];	this.props.pokemonType.forEach(function (item, index) {	types.push(<PokemonType pokemonType={} key={index} colSize="col-xs-6 col-md-5" border="3px solid #FFF"/>);	});	return (	<div style={containerStyle} className="col-sm-3 col-xs-12"> <Link to={this.props.detailsUrl} className="thumbnail" style={thumbnailStyle}> <img src={this.props.pokemonImgUrl} alt="pokemon"/> </Link> <div style={captionStyle} className="caption"> <p style={pokemonIdStyle} >{this.formatId(this.props.pokemonId)}</p> <h3>{this.props.pokemonName}</h3> {types} </div>	</div>	);	}
var AjaxLoader = React.createClass({	render: function () {	var style = {	top: "50%",	left: "50%",	transform: "translate(-50%, -50%)",	position: "absolute"	};	return (	<img src="" alt="loading" style={style} />	);	}
var HomePage = React.createClass({	mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(PokemonStore, "onChange")],	getInitialState: function () {	return {	pokemons: [],	isLoading: false	};	}, componentWillMount: function () { Actions.getPokemons(1, 13); $(window).scroll(function () { if ($(window).scrollTop() === $(document).height() - $(window).height() && !this.state.isLoading) { this.setState({ isLoading: true }); Actions.getPokemons(this.state.pokemons.length + 1, this.state.pokemons.length + 33); } }.bind(this)); },	onChange: function (msg, pokemons) {	this.setState({ pokemons: pokemons });	this.setState({ isLoading: false });	},	render: function () { = "#EEE";	var margin = { marginTop: 30 };	var loaderStyle = { margin: "0 auto", display: "block" };	var pokemonArr = [];	this.state.pokemons.forEach(function (item, index) {	pokemonArr.push(	<PokemonContainer	key={index}	pokemonId={}	pokemonName={}	pokemonImgUrl={item.imgUrl}	pokemonType={item.type}	detailsUrl={item.detailsUrl}	/>	);	});	return (	<div>	<SearchField ref="searchField" />	<Buttons callback={this.callback} />	<div className="container " style={margin}>	<div className="row">	{pokemonArr}	</div>	{this.state.isLoading ? <img src="" alt="loading" style={loaderStyle} /> : null}	</div>	</div>	);	}
var DetailsPage = React.createClass({	mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(PokemonDetailStore, "getData")],	getInitialState: function () {	return { details: {} };	},	componentWillMount: function () {	Actions.getDetails(this.props.params.pokemonId);	},	getData: function (msg, details) {	this.setState({ details: details });	},	render: function () {	if (!this.state.details.ability) return (<AjaxLoader />); = "#EEE"; = "#000";	return (	<div className="container">	<PokemonNameId pokemonName={} pokemonId={} />	<div className="row">	<TypesAndWeaknesses	imgUrl={this.state.details.imgUrl}	pokemonType={this.state.details.type}	weaknesses={this.state.details.weaknesses}	/>	<div className="col-xs-6">	<PokemonDescription pokemonDescription={this.state.details.description}/>	<br/><br/>	<PokemonCharacteristics	weight={this.state.details.weight}	height={this.state.details.height}	category={this.state.details.category}	ability={this.state.details.ability}	abilityDescription={this.state.details.abilityDescription}	/>	</div>	</div>	<br/>	<PokemonStats	hp={this.state.details.hp}	attack={this.state.details.attack}	defense={this.state.details.defense}	sp_atk={this.state.details.sp_atk}	sp_def={this.state.details.sp_def}	speed={this.state.details.speed}	/>	</div>	);	}
var Router = ReactRouter.Router;
var Route = ReactRouter.Route;
var Link = ReactRouter.Link;
var Routes = (	<Router>	<Route path="/" component={HomePage} />	<Route path="/pokemons/:pokemonId" component={DetailsPage} />	</Router>
ReactDOM.render(Routes, document.getElementById("main"));
"use strict";
React Pokedex - Script Codes
React Pokedex - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Mihkel
Username Krokodill
Uploaded December 08, 2022
Rating 3
Size 13,070 Kb
Views 6,072
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Mihkel (Krokodill) Script Codes
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