Star-Raiders : homage to old school

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How do I make an star-raiders : homage to old school?

This is the frame work game for star-raiders remake in pure html 5 canvas. Oh yes we could make this in webGL but whats the fun of that. More interesting to see what we can render in 3D without using a 3D rendering api. . What is a star-raiders : homage to old school? How do you make a star-raiders : homage to old school? This script and codes were developed by Andi Smithers on 21 November 2022, Monday.

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Star-Raiders : homage to old school - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Star-Raiders : homage to old school</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <body> <div class = "outer"> <!-- setup the canvas --> <canvas class='letter' id='star-raiders'></canvas> </div> <!-- link to google fonts --> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <!-- parse --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include some basic math helper class --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include ui slider and button controls --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include game board pieces and logic --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include core asteriod components --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include core starfield components --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include particles components --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include zylon fighter --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include basestar rendering --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include cruiser rendering --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include nice message plotting method --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include starbase rendering --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include collision checks --> <script src=""></script> <!-- include procedural audio --> <script src=""></script>
</body> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Star-Raiders : homage to old school - Script Codes CSS Codes

body{ background:#000000; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;
.outer { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #202020; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;
.letter { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #000000; margin-top:auto; margin-bottom:auto; padding: 0px;

Star-Raiders : homage to old school - Script Codes JS Codes

The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 Andi Smithers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// conceptualized and written by andi smithers
// constant options
const focalDepth = 80;
const focalPoint = 256;
const eNone = 0;
const eGalacticScanner = 1;
const eLongRange = 2;
const eTargetComputer = 3;
const shieldRange = 5;
// special browser profile option
const displayProfile = false;
var profiling = false;
// end game scenerios
const aborted = 0;
const destroyed = 1;
const energyLost = 2;
const basesGone = 3;
const allDead = 4;
const playing = 5;
var backgroundColor;
// variables
var centreX;
var centreY;
var mouseX=0;
var mouseY=0;
var frameCount=0;
var gameStart;
var context;
var canvas;
var fontsize = 20;
var overlayMode = eNone;
// overlay transitions
var lrsTargetX;
var lrsTargetY;
var lrsCentreX;
var lrsCentreY;
var lrsOffScreen = true;
var mapTargetX;
var mapTargetY;
var mapCentreX;
var mapCentreY;
var mapOffScreen = true;
// test multiple groups
var boardPieces = [];
var mapScale = {x:0, y:0};
var border = {x:0, y:0};
var galaxyMapSize = {x:16, y:8};
var shipLocation = {x:0, y:0};
var shipPosition = {x:0, y:0};
var localPosition = {x:0, y:0, z:0};
var shipPing = {x:0, y:0};
var pingRadius = 100;
var lastCycle = 0;
var cycleScalar = 3; // 3 = 30 seconds.
var targetBase = 0;
var localSpaceCubed = 1024;
var lrScale = {x:0, y:0};
var warpLocation = {x:0, y:0};
var warpAnim = 0;
var warpLocked = false;
var warpEnergy = 0;
var energy = 9999;
var kills = 0;
var badDriving = 0;
var redAlertColor = 0;
// tracking computer
var trackingTarget = 0;
// ship damage
var shipDamage = {photons:0, engines:0, shields:0, computer:0, longrangescanner:0, subspaceradio:0};
var systemsDamage = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
// if systems damage goes over 6 it is damaged, over 12 it is destroyed
const isDamaged = 6;
const isDestroyed = 12;
var radioDamageTime = 0;
// difficulty settings
var maxAsteroids = 32;
var maxNMEs = 8;
var noContact = true;
var noDeaths= true;
// needs moving
var targetComputer = false;
var trackingComputer = false;
var redTime = 0;
var redAlert = 0;
var shipOrientation = new matrix3x3();
var orientation = new matrix3x3();
var scannerView = new matrix3x3();
var angleX = 0;
var angleY = 0;
var nmes = [];
var gameDifficultyHitBox = 1.5;
var statistics = {rank:0, kills:0, difficulty:0, played:0, roidsFragmented:0, roidsHit:0, refuel:0, shieldsHit:0, bases:0, shipsHit:0, killTypes:[0,0,0,0], damaged:0, shots:0, deflects:0, jumped:0, jumpedEnergy:0, travelled:0, jumpCancelled:0, timePlayed:0, accuracy:0, energy:0, distance:0, endgames:[0,0,0,0,0]};
var totals = {rank:0, kills:0, difficulty:0, played:0, roidsFragmented:0, roidsHit:0, refuel:0, shieldsHit:0, bases:0, shipsHit:0, killTypes:[0,0,0,0], damaged:0, shots:0, deflects:0, jumped:0, jumpedEnergy:0, travelled:0, jumpCancelled:0, timePlayed:0, accuracy:0, energy:0, distance:0, endgames:[0,0,0,0,0]};
var currentBoardItem = null;
var pauseGame = false;
var titleScreen = true;
var attractMode = 0;
var bestRanks = [{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100},{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100},{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100},{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100},{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100},{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100},{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100},{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100},{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100},{rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100}];
var lastScore = {rank:-1000, date:new Date(), percentile:100};
var difficultyNames = ['Novice', 'Pilot', 'Warrior', 'Commander'];
// endgame event
var endGameTime;
var endGameEvent;
var endGameLastMessage;
var endGameRank;
// global ranking
var gameTotalPlays=0;
var gameHitsPerRanks = [];
// warp tunnel navigation at higher levels
var warpDeltaDistance = 0;
function UpdateRunningStatistics()
{ // update end game data;; statistics.kills=kills; var gameTime = currentTime - gameStart; var decimalTime = gameTime / 60000; statistics.timePlayed = decimalTime;
function UpdateAllTotals()
{ UpdateRunningStatistics(); if (statistics.shots == 0) statistics.accuracy = 0; else statistics.accuracy = ((statistics.deflects+statistics.roidsFragmented+statistics.roidsHit+statistics.shipsHit) / statistics.shots) * 100; totals.played++; totals.diffculty+=statistics.difficulty; // make array? totals.roidsFragmented += statistics.roidsFragmented; totals.roidsHit+=statistics.roidsHit; totals.refuel+=statistics.refuel; totals.shieldsHit+=statistics.shieldsHit; totals.shipsHit+=statistics.shipsHit; totals.killTypes[0]+=statistics.killTypes[0]; totals.killTypes[1]+=statistics.killTypes[1]; totals.killTypes[2]+=statistics.killTypes[2]; totals.killTypes[3]+=statistics.killTypes[3]; totals.damaged+=statistics.damaged; totals.shots+=statistics.shots; totals.deflects+=statistics.deflects; totals.jumped+=statistics.jumped; totals.jumpedEnergy+=statistics.jumpedEnergy; totals.travelled+=statistics.travelled; totals.jumpCancelled+=statistics.jumpCancelled;; totals.kills+=statistics.kills; totals.timePlayed+=statistics.timePlayed; totals.distance+=statistics.distance; totals.endgames[0]+=statistics.endgames[0]; totals.endgames[1]+=statistics.endgames[1]; totals.endgames[2]+=statistics.endgames[2]; totals.endgames[3]+=statistics.endgames[3]; totals.endgames[4]+=statistics.endgames[4]; if (totals.shots == 0) totals.accuracy = 0; else totals.accuracy = ((totals.deflects+totals.roidsFragmented+totals.roidsHit+totals.shipsHit) / totals.shots) * 100;
// difficulty setup, novice , pilot, warrior, commander
function ClearGame()
{ // clear stats statistics = {kills:0, difficulty:0, played:0, roidsFragmented:0, roidsHit:0, refuel:0, shieldsHit:0, bases:0, shipsHit:0, killTypes:[0,0,0,0], damaged:0, shots:0, deflects:0, jumped:0, jumpedEnergy:0, travelled:0, jumpCancelled:0, timePlayed:0, accuracy:0, energy:0, distance:0, endgames:[0,0,0,0,0]}; shipDamage = {photons:0, engines:0, shields:0, computer:0, longrangescanner:0, subspaceradio:0}; systemsDamage = [0,0,0,0,0,0]; // clear ship details shipLocation = {x:0, y:0}; shipPosition = {x:0, y:0}; localPosition = {x:0, y:0, z:0}; shipOrientation = new matrix3x3(); orientation = new matrix3x3(); scannerView = new matrix3x3(); targetComputer = false; trackingComputer = false; redTime = 0; redAlert = 0; warpLocation = {x:0, y:0}; warpAnim = 0; warpLocked = false; warpEnergy = 0; energy = 9999; kills = 0; badDriving = 0; redAlertColor = 0; setShieldUp(false); clearText(); lrsOffScreen = true; mapOffScreen = true; overlayMode = eNone; trackingTarget = 0; triggerWarp = normalSpace;
function SetupNMEs(boardItem)
{ // clear list nmes = []; currentBoardItem = boardItem; if (boardItem == null) return; noContact = true; noDeaths = true; for (var i=0; i<boardItem.numTargets; i++) { var nme = new NME(); nme.randomize(boardItem.targets[i]); nmes.push(nme); } if (boardItem.type != base) SetRedAlert();
function UpdateNMEs()
{ for (var i=0; i<nmes.length; i++) { if (nmes[i].hitpoints) { var x = nmes[i].pos.x + nmes[i].vel.x * nmes[i].speed * freqHz; var y = nmes[i].pos.y + nmes[i].vel.y * nmes[i].speed * freqHz; var z = nmes[i].pos.z + nmes[i].vel.z * nmes[i].speed * freqHz; nmes[i].pos.x = x; nmes[i].pos.y = y; nmes[i].pos.z = z; switch(nmes[i].type) { case fighter: ZylonFighterAI(nmes[i]); break; case base: { // compute distance var delta = nmes[i].delta(); var t = orientation.transform(delta.x, delta.y, delta.z); // compute angles var phi = Math.atan2(t.x, t.z); var theta = Math.atan2(t.y, Math.sqrt(t.x*t.x+t.z*t.z)); var a = Math.abs(gradon(phi)); var b = Math.abs(gradon(theta)); var dock = (a <= 1 && b <= 1 && t.z <= 5) ? true:false; EnableDocking(dock); break; } case cruiser: ZylonCruiserAI(nmes[i]); break; case basestar: ZylonBaseStarAI(nmes[i]); break; default: ZylonFighterAI(nmes[i]); break; } } }
function nmeShoot(pos)
{ var scale =512/canvas.height; var x = modulo2(localPosition.x - pos.x, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var y = modulo2(localPosition.y - pos.y, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var z = modulo2(localPosition.z - pos.z, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var t = orientation.transform(x, y, z); if (Math.abs(t.z)>128) return; var depth = focalPoint*5 / ((t.z + 5*scale) +1); if (depth<0) depth *= -1; var depthInv = focalPoint / ((t.z + focalDepth) +1); setSpawn((t.x*depth)/depthInv+centreX, (t.y*depth)/depthInv+centreY, t.z); getPlasmaEmitter().create(); PlayDisruptor(); // escalate noContact = false;
function ZylonFighterAI(nme)
var targetLocations = [{x:0, y:0, z:-70},{x:10, y:-10, z:-100},{x:-20, y:30, z:-50},{x:0, y:0, z:70},{x:20, y:10, z:50},{x:-30, y:10, z:30}]; var targ = shipOrientation.invtransform(targetLocations[].x,targetLocations[].y,targetLocations[].z); var dir = nme.targetPoint(targ); // always swarm player
// var dir = nme.deltaAhead(-100); // we want to go that way var dirn = new vector3(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); dirn.normalize(); var dx = nme.vel.x - dirn.x; var dy = nme.vel.y - dirn.y; var dz = nme.vel.z - dirn.z; nme.vel.x+=dirn.x*0.1; nme.vel.y+=dirn.y*0.1; nme.vel.z+=dirn.z*0.1; var tmp = new vector3( nme.vel.x, nme.vel.y, nme.vel.z); tmp.normalize(); nme.vel.x = tmp.x; nme.vel.y = tmp.y; nme.vel.z = tmp.z; if (dir.lengthSquared()<25) { nme.pass = (nme.pass+1) &63; if (nme.pass == 0) = ( % targetLocations.length; } nme.calcypr(); var shotEnergy = 5 - (0.5 * gameDifficulty); = Math.min(shotEnergy,; var canFire = Math.random() > 0.99; // randomize fire if (endGameEvent==playing &&>=shotEnergy && canFire) {; nmeShoot(nme.pos); }
function ZylonCruiserAI(nme)
{ var targetLocations = [{x:0, y:0, z:-70},{x:10, y:-10, z:100},{x:-20, y:30, z:-50},{x:0, y:0, z:70},{x:20, y:10, z:-50},{x:-30, y:10, z:40}]; var targ = shipOrientation.invtransform(targetLocations[].x,targetLocations[].y,targetLocations[].z); var dir = nme.targetPoint(targ); if (dir.lengthSquared() > 400*400 && noContact==true) dir = dir.mul(-1); // always swarm player // var dir = nme.deltaAhead(-100); // we want to go that way var dirn = new vector3(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); dirn.normalize(); var dx = nme.vel.x - dirn.x; var dy = nme.vel.y - dirn.y; var dz = nme.vel.z - dirn.z; nme.vel.x+=dirn.x*0.1; nme.vel.y+=dirn.y*0.1; nme.vel.z+=dirn.z*0.1; var tmp = new vector3( nme.vel.x, nme.vel.y, nme.vel.z); tmp.normalize(); nme.vel.x = tmp.x; nme.vel.y = tmp.y; nme.vel.z = tmp.z; if (dir.lengthSquared()<25) { nme.pass = (nme.pass+1) &63; if (nme.pass == 0) = ( % targetLocations.length; } nme.calcypr(); var shotEnergy = 4 - (0.5 * gameDifficulty); = Math.min(shotEnergy*2,; var canFire = Math.random() > 0.97; // randomize fire if (endGameEvent==playing &&>=shotEnergy && canFire) {; nmeShoot(nme.pos); }
function ZylonBaseStarAI(nme)
{ var targetLocations = [{x:30, y:0, z:-70},{x:0, y:-30, z:-80},{x:-30, y:00, z:-50},{x:0, y:30, z:-70},{x:40, y:40, z:70},{x:-40, y:40, z:60},{x:-40, y:-40, z:90},{x:40, y:-40, z:40}]; var targ = shipOrientation.invtransform(targetLocations[].x,targetLocations[].y,targetLocations[].z); var dir = nme.targetPoint(targ); if (dir.lengthSquared() > 300*300 && noDeaths==true) dir=dir.mul(-1); // always swarm player // var dir = nme.deltaAhead(-100); // we want to go that way var dirn = new vector3(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); dirn.normalize(); var dx = nme.vel.x - dirn.x; var dy = nme.vel.y - dirn.y; var dz = nme.vel.z - dirn.z; nme.vel.x+=dirn.x*0.1; nme.vel.y+=dirn.y*0.1; nme.vel.z+=dirn.z*0.1; var tmp = new vector3( nme.vel.x, nme.vel.y, nme.vel.z); tmp.normalize(); nme.vel.x = tmp.x; nme.vel.y = tmp.y; nme.vel.z = tmp.z; if (dir.lengthSquared()<25) { nme.pass = (nme.pass+1) &63; if (nme.pass == 0) = ( % targetLocations.length; } nme.calcypr(); var shotEnergy = 5 - (0.5 * gameDifficulty); = Math.min(shotEnergy*4,; var canFire = Math.random() > 0.95; // randomize fire if (endGameEvent==playing &&>=shotEnergy && canFire) { -= shotEnergy; nmeShoot(nme.pos); }
function DestroyStarbase()
{ // verify base if (nmes[0].type == base) { // detroy base SpawnAsteroidsAt(nmes[0].pos); setSpawn(nmes[0].pos.x, nmes[0].pos.y, nmes[0].pos.z); getExplodeEmitter().create(); getDustEmitter().create(); PlayExplosion(); }
function RenderNMEs()
{ for (var i=0; i<nmes.length; i++) { if (nmes[i].hitpoints>0) nmes[i].render(); }
function KillNmeType(shipType)
{ if (shipType == base) DestroyStarbase(); kills++; statistics.killTypes[shipType]++; // update board item currentBoardItem.killTarget(shipType); // escalate noContact = false; noDeaths = false;
// nme objects
function NME()
{ this.pos = {x:0, y:0, z:0}; this.rot = {y:0, p:0, r:0}; this.vel = {x:0, y:0, z:0}; this.speed = 0; this.damage = 0; this.type = 0; // 0 = fighter, 1 = cruiser, 2 = basestar this.hitpoints = 0; = 0; this.pass = 0; = 0; this.theta = 0; this.phi = 0;
NME.prototype.randomize = function(type)
{ var hitpointTable = [4, 1, 1, 2]; this.pos.x = Math.random()*localSpaceCubed; this.pos.y = Math.random()*localSpaceCubed; this.pos.z = Math.random()*localSpaceCubed; if (type!=base) this.vel = RandomNormal(); this.type = type; this.speed = 25; this.hitpoints = hitpointTable[type];
} = function()
{ var x = modulo2(localPosition.x - this.pos.x, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var y = modulo2(localPosition.y - this.pos.y, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var z = modulo2(localPosition.z - this.pos.z, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; return {x:x, y:y, z:z};
NME.prototype.targetPoint = function(target)
{ var x = modulo2((localPosition.x+target.x) - this.pos.x, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var y = modulo2((localPosition.y+target.y) - this.pos.y, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var z = modulo2((localPosition.z+target.z) - this.pos.z, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; return new vector3(x, y, z);
NME.prototype.calcypr = function()
{ this.theta = Math.atan2(this.vel.x, this.vel.z) ;//+ Math.PI*0.5; this.phi = 0;//Math.asin(this.vel.y);
NME.prototype.render = function()
{ var x = modulo2(localPosition.x - this.pos.x, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var y = modulo2(localPosition.y - this.pos.y, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var z = modulo2(localPosition.z - this.pos.z, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var camspace = orientation.transform(x, y, z); switch(this.type) { case base: var scale = 512/canvas.height; var depth = focalPoint*5 / camspace.z + 5*scale; var sx = camspace.x * depth + centreX; var sy =camspace.y * depth + centreY; var sz = 1 * depth; if (camspace.z>0) RenderStarbase(sx, sy, sz, Math.atan2(camspace.z, camspace.y)+Math.PI); break; case fighter: renderZylon(camspace.x, camspace.y, camspace.z, this.theta, this.phi); break; case cruiser: var scale = 512/canvas.height; var depth = focalPoint*5 / camspace.z + 5*scale; var sx = camspace.x * depth + centreX; var sy = camspace.y * depth + centreY; var sz = 0.5 * depth; if (sz<=0) return; var fade = 1.0; if (camspace.z>128) fade = 1.0 - (camspace.z-128)/128; if (fade<0) fade = 0; context.globalAlpha = fade; if (camspace.z>0) RenderCruiser(sx, sy, sz, Math.atan2(camspace.y, camspace.z)+Math.PI*1.5); break; case basestar: var scale = 512/canvas.height; var depth = focalPoint*5 / camspace.z + 5*scale; var sx = camspace.x * depth + centreX; var sy = camspace.y * depth + centreY; var sz = 1 * depth; if (sz<=0) return; var fade = 1.0; if (camspace.z>128) fade = 1.0 - (camspace.z-128)/128; if (fade<0) fade = 0; context.globalAlpha = fade; if (camspace.z>0) RenderBasestar(sx, sy, sz, Math.atan2(camspace.z, camspace.y)+Math.PI); break; default: renderZylon(camspace.x, camspace.y, camspace.z, 0, 0); break; }
var docking;
var dockTimer;
function EnableDocking(dock)
{ if (dock && !docking) { docking = true; startText("docked with starbase: transfering...", border.x, 150); dockTimer = (new Date()).getTime()+5000; } if (!dock && docking) { docking = false; if (energy<9900) startText("docking aborted!", border.x, 150); else startText("undocked starbase", border.x, 150); } if (docking && dockTimer<(new Date()).getTime()) { // refuel statistics.refuel += 9999-energy; energy = 9999; dockTimer+=100000; FixDamagedSystems(); startText("transfer completed", border.x, 150); }
function FixDamagedSystems()
{ var d = 0; for (var i=0; i<6; i++) d = Math.max(d, systemsDamage[i]); if (shipDamage.subspaceradio>=isDestroyed) clearText(); if (d>=isDamaged) startText("Systems Repaired", border.x, 150); // clear systems shipDamage = {photons:0, engines:0, shields:0, computer:0, longrangescanner:0, subspaceradio:0}; systemsDamage = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
function SetRedAlert()
{ redTime = (new Date()).getTime(); PlayRedAlert(0.5);
function DrawRedAlert()
{ var delta = (new Date()).getTime() - redTime; redAlert = delta<=4000; if (redAlert == false) { document.getElementById("star-raiders").style.background = 'black'; backgroundColor = 'rgb(0,0,0)'; starsColorAlias = backgroundColor; return; } redAlertColor = (Math.floor(delta/500) & 1)*64; context.globalAlpha = 1.0; context.font = '40pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(redAlertColor*3^192)+',0,'+redAlertColor*3+')'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText('RED ALERT', canvas.width/2, 50); backgroundColor = 'rgb('+((redAlertColor))+',0,'+((redAlertColor^64))+')'; starsColorAlias = backgroundColor;
// long range scan
var shipPhi = 0.0;
var shipTheta = 0;
function renderLongRangeScanner()
{ var radius = lrScale.x<lrScale.y ? lrScale.x : lrScale.y; var strobe = frameCount; // logic for enabling/disabling the scanner if (lrsOffScreen) { lrsCentreY = centreY*3; lrsCentreX = centreX; } lrsTargetX = centreX; lrsTargetY = overlayMode == eLongRange ? centreY : centreY*3; if (Math.abs(lrsTargetY-lrsCentreY)>4) { // animate var dy = lrsTargetY - lrsCentreY; lrsCentreY+= dy/8; lrsOffScreen = false; } else { lrsOffScreen = overlayMode!=eLongRange; } // check if scanner is suppose to be on if (lrsOffScreen) return; if (shipDamage.longrangescanner>=isDamaged && Math.random()>0.95) return; // ok lets draw context.beginPath(); context.arc(lrsCentreX, lrsCentreY, radius/2, 0, Math.PI*2.0, 0); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,64,0.5)'; context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(lrsCentreX, lrsCentreY, radius/2, 0, Math.PI*2.0, 0); context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,255,0.5)'; context.lineWidth = 1; context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(lrsCentreX, lrsCentreY, radius/8, 0, Math.PI*2.0, 0); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(lrsCentreX, lrsCentreY, radius/2, Math.PI*8.5/6, Math.PI*9.5/6, false); context.lineTo(lrsCentreX, lrsCentreY); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,128,0.5)'; for (var a=1; a<8; a++) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(lrsCentreX, lrsCentreY, (a/8) * radius*0.5, Math.PI*8.5/6, Math.PI*9.5/6, 0); context.stroke(); } // render Asteroids var s = (radius/canvas.width) * 1.3; var asteroids = getAsteroids(); // I think a matrix is now going to be faster.. for (var i=0; i<asteroids.length; i++) { var x = modulo(localPosition.x - asteroids[i].x)-512; var y = modulo(localPosition.y - asteroids[i].y)-512; var z = modulo(localPosition.z - asteroids[i].z)-512; if (shipDamage.longrangescanner>=isDamaged && Math.random()>0.5) x*=-1; if (shipDamage.longrangescanner>=isDestroyed && Math.random()>0.50) y*=-2; var t = scannerView.transform(x,y,z); var depth = focalPoint*5 / ((t.z + 1400) +1); var sz = 5 * depth; // draw a blob var grey = Math.floor(depth*400-200); context.beginPath(); context.rect(t.x*depth*s+lrsCentreX-sz*0.5, t.y*depth*s+lrsCentreY-sz*0.5, sz, sz); context.fillStyle = 'rgba('+grey+','+grey+','+grey+',1)'; context.fill(); } strobe+=1; for (var i=0; i<nmes.length; i++) { if (nmes[i].hitpoints<=0) continue; var x = modulo(localPosition.x - nmes[i].pos.x)-512; var y = modulo(localPosition.y - nmes[i].pos.y)-512; var z = modulo(localPosition.z - nmes[i].pos.z)-512; if (shipDamage.longrangescanner>=isDamaged && Math.random()>0.8) x*=-1; if (shipDamage.longrangescanner>=isDestroyed && Math.random()>0.80) y*=-2; var t = scannerView.transform(x,y,z); var depth = focalPoint*5 / ((t.z + 1400) +1); var sz = 8 * depth; // draw a blob var red = Math.floor(depth*400-200); if (shipDamage.longrangescanner>=isDamaged && Math.random()>0.95) t.x*=-1; if (shipDamage.longrangescanner>=isDestroyed && Math.random()>0.50) t.y*=-1; context.beginPath();
// context.rect(t.x*depth*s+centreX-sz*0.5, t.y*depth*s+centreY-sz*0.5, sz, sz); context.arc(t.x*depth*s+lrsCentreX, t.y*depth*s+lrsCentreY, sz, 0, Math.PI*2.0); context.fillStyle = 'rgba('+red+','+red*(strobe&4)+','+red*(strobe&8)+',1)'; context.fill(); }
// galactic scan
function renderGalacticScanner()
{ // logic for enabling/disabling the scanner if (mapOffScreen) { mapCentreY = centreY*2; mapCentreX = 0; } mapTargetX = 0; mapTargetY = overlayMode == eGalacticScanner ? 0 : centreY*2; var offFade = overlayMode == eGalacticScanner ? 1.0-Math.abs(mapTargetY-mapCentreY) / (centreY*2) : Math.abs(mapTargetY-mapCentreY) / (centreY*2); if (Math.abs(mapTargetY-mapCentreY)>4) { // animate var dy = mapTargetY - mapCentreY; mapCentreY += dy/8; mapOffScreen = false; } else { mapOffScreen = overlayMode!=eGalacticScanner; } // check if scanner is suppose to be on if (mapOffScreen) return; // damaged turn whole scanner off if (shipDamage.subspaceradio>=isDamaged && Math.random()>0.98) return; var offX = mapCentreX; var offY = mapCentreY; var scaleX = mapScale.x; var scaleY = mapScale.y; // clear a shaded area context.beginPath(); context.rect(border.x+offX, border.y+offY, mapScale.x*16, mapScale.y*8); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,128,0.5)'; context.fill(); context.beginPath(); for (var i=0; i<=galaxyMapSize.x; i++) { if (shipDamage.subspaceradio<isDamaged || Math.random()<0.95) { context.moveTo(scaleX*i+border.x+offX, border.y+offY); context.lineTo(scaleX*i+border.x+offX, scaleY*(galaxyMapSize.y)+offY+border.y); } } context.strokeStyle = '#c0c0c0'; context.lineWidth = 4; context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); for (var j=0; j<=galaxyMapSize.y; j++) { if (shipDamage.subspaceradio<isDamaged || Math.random()<0.95) { context.moveTo(border.x+offX, scaleY*(j)+offY+border.y); context.lineTo(scaleX*(galaxyMapSize.x)+offX+border.x, scaleY*(j)+offY+border.y); } } context.strokeStyle = '#c0c0c0'; context.lineWidth = 4; context.stroke(); // ping every 5 seconds var currentTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var distance = ((currentTime - gameStart)%10000)/10000; pingRadius = distance * canvas.width/2; if (shipDamage.subspaceradio>=isDamaged) pingRadius = 0; context.globalCompositeOperation='source-over'; var shipX = shipPing.x * scaleX + border.x+offX; var shipY = shipPing.y * scaleY + border.y+offY; // update map with locations of ships for (var b=0; b<boardPieces.length; b++) { // fade in and out board pieces as the ping passes over them if (shipDamage.subspaceradio<isDamaged || Math.random()<0.9) { boardPieces[b].render(shipX, shipY, pingRadius); } } context.globalCompositeOperation='lighter'; context.globalAlpha = 1; context.beginPath(); var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(shipX, shipY, pingRadius*0.5, shipX, shipY, pingRadius*2); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(128, 255, 128,0)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(128, 255, 128,'+(1-distance)*(offFade)+')'); context.fillStyle = gradient; context.arc(shipX, shipY, pingRadius*2, Math.PI*2, false); context.fill(); // render hyperspace location clampX = warpLocation.x*mapScale.x+border.x; clampY = warpLocation.y*mapScale.y+border.y; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(clampX+offX, border.y+offY) context.lineTo(clampX+offX, scaleY*(galaxyMapSize.y)+border.y+offY); context.moveTo(border.x+offX, clampY+offY); context.lineTo(scaleX*(galaxyMapSize.x)+border.x+offX, clampY+offY); if (warpLocked) { warpAnim=(warpAnim+1)%(Math.sqrt(scaleX*scaleX+scaleY*scaleY)*0.5); context.arc(clampX+offX, clampY+offY, warpAnim, 0, Math.PI*2, false); } context.strokeStyle = '#c0ffc0'; context.lineWidth = 1; context.stroke();
// initialization
function init()
{ // setup canvas and context canvas = document.getElementById('star-raiders'); context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // set canvas to be window dimensions resize(); // create event listeners canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove); canvas.addEventListener('click', mouseClick); canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDown); canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp); canvas.addEventListener("mousewheel", mouseWheel, false); document.addEventListener('keydown', processKeydown, false); window.addEventListener('resize', resize); // initialze variables window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext||window.webkitAudioContext; audioContext = new AudioContext(); // init parse Parse.initialize("QiC9M2aTG3f4OpldOxdbav1VAwDuwDIX65GyBmYe", "RMg2Xv02FXTXu3d1UfiMeTsYbotrH4oSB7Pcbvyi"); // track views var details = { Width:''+canvas.width, Height:''+canvas.height, Browser:window.navigator.userAgent}; Parse.Analytics.track('Viewed', details); // audio initAudio(); // load cookies // emergency delete // DeleteCookie("lastScore"); // DeleteCookie("bestRanks"); LoadRanks(); // load stats from local store LoadStats(); // start game
// StartGame(novice); // init title TitleScreen();
function TitleScreen()
{ clearTitleClick = true; // init engine sounds StopEngine(); // enable title titleScreen = true; // credit time titleStartTime = new Date().getTime(); // clear text clearText(); // populate local space SetupAsteroids(localSpaceCubed*0.25); SetupTitleButtons(); // override setWarpSpread(2); // have starfield not track mouse setTrackingMouse(false); // set scroller setInitVelocity(-1.0); setTermVelocity(-10.0); // fetch ranks CacheGlobalRankings();
function StartGame(difficulty)
{ // remove titlescreen titleScreen = false; clearTitleClick = false; endGameEvent = playing; // log Parse.Analytics.track('Started', {difficulty:difficultyNames[difficulty]}); // initialze variables ClearGame(); // SetShipLocation(galaxyMapSize.x*0.5, galaxyMapSize.y*0.5); // initial ping shipPing.x = shipPosition.x; shipPing.y = shipPosition.y; // buttons SetupButtons(); // populate map BoardSetup(difficulty); // populate local space SetupAsteroids(localSpaceCubed); // populate shiplocation SetupNMEs(GetPieceAtShipLocation()); var d = new Date(); gameStart = d.getTime(); // override setWarpSpread(2); // track mouse setTrackingMouse(true); // init engine sounds InitEngine();
// input functions
function mouseMove(event)
{ var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); mouseX = event.clientX - rect.left; mouseY = event.clientY -; SetWarpPoint(mouseX, mouseY, false); if (event.which&1 && dragging) { DragEvent(event); }
function mouseDown(event)
{ if (clearTitleClick==false) return; if (CheckButtons(mouseX, mouseY, false) == true) return; if (event.which&1) { dragging = true; DragEventStart(event); }
function mouseUp(event)
{ clearTitleClick=true; if (event.which&1 && dragging) { DragEventDone(event); }
function mouseClick()
{ buttonpressed = CheckButtons(mouseX, mouseY, true); if (buttonpressed || endGameEvent!=playing) { return; } if (titleScreen==true) return; if (overlayMode == eNone || overlayMode == eTargetComputer) { FirePhotons(); } // lock in warp point if (overlayMode == eGalacticScanner) { if (!warpLocked) SetWarpPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true); else ClearWarpPoint(); }
function resize()
{ var maxWidth = window.innerWidth; var maxHeight = window.innerHeight; canvas.width = maxWidth; canvas.height = maxHeight; /* var width = maxWidth; var height = maxWidth * 9 / 22; = 'block'; = 'fixed'; = '0px'; = (( maxHeight - height) / 2) + 'px'; if (height > maxHeight) { height = maxHeight; width = maxHeight * 22 / 9; = ((maxWidth - width) / 2) + 'px'; = '0px'; } canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; */ // compute centre of screen centreX = canvas.width/2; centreY = canvas.height/2; fontsize = 21; // resize font based on canvas size mapScale.x = canvas.width/(galaxyMapSize.x+6); mapScale.y = canvas.height/(galaxyMapSize.y+3); border.x = mapScale.x*3; border.y = mapScale.y; lrScale.x = canvas.width*16/18; lrScale.y = canvas.height*16/20; do { fontsize-=0.1; context.font = fontsize + 'pt Orbitron'; var fits = context.measureText('group'); }while((fits.width+20>mapScale.x || mapScale.y<fontsize*4) && fontsize >5); // reset buttons if (titleScreen == true) SetupTitleButtons(); else if (endGameEvent ==playing) SetupButtons(); else SetupMainMenuButton();
function renderInformation()
{ switch (overlayMode) { case eGalacticScanner: renderGalaxyInformation(); break; case eLongRange: renderLongRangeInformation(); break; } RenderWarpPoint(); renderStarDate(); renderVelocity(); renderEnergy(); renderKills(); renderDamage(); GuestimateScore();
function renderGalaxyInformation()
{ var scaleX = mapScale.x; var scaleY = mapScale.y; var i = GetBoardPieceScreen(mouseX, mouseY); var targets = 'empty'; if (i>0 && boardPieces[i].status!=0) { targets = boardPieces[i].numTargets; if (boardPieces[i].type==base) targets = 'starbase'; } // render timer var piece = boardPieces[targetBase]; if (piece.nextMove!=0 && shipDamage.subspaceradio<isDamaged) { var x = piece.location.x*scaleX+border.x+mapCentreX; var y = piece.location.y*scaleY+border.y+mapCentreY; var currentTime = (new Date()).getTime() ; var gameTime = Math.floor((currentTime - gameStart)); var remainingTime= Math.floor((piece.nextMove * 10000 - gameTime) / 600); var segment = (Math.PI*2 * remainingTime / 100); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x+scaleX*0.5, y+scaleY*0.5); context.arc(x+scaleX*0.5, y+scaleY*0.5, scaleX<scaleY?scaleY:scaleY, Math.PI*1.5-segment, Math.PI*1.5); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.7)'; context.fill(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,128,0,0.7)'; context.stroke(); context.globalAlpha = 1.0; context.font = '12pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,128,0)'; context.textAlign = "right"; context.fillText('.' + Math.floor(remainingTime), x+scaleX*0.9, y+20); } context.globalAlpha = 1.0; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "left"; context.fillText('Targets: ' + targets, border.x+mapCentreX, border.y+mapScale.y*8+24+mapCentreY); var fuel = ShipCalculateWarpEnergy(mouseX, mouseY); context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText('Warp Energy: ' + fuel, canvas.width/2+mapCentreX, border.y+mapScale.y*8+24+mapCentreY); if (warpLocked) { // does this in mouse coords for rollover.. so have to add the border back in var fuel = ShipCalculateWarpEnergy(warpLocation.x*mapScale.x+border.x, warpLocation.y*mapScale.y+border.y); warpEnergy = fuel; context.textAlign = "centre"; context.font = '22pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,255)'; context.fillText('Energy: ' + fuel, warpLocation.x*mapScale.x+border.x+mapCentreX, warpLocation.y*mapScale.y+mapCentreY+border.y-12); } var x = shipPosition.x*scaleX+border.x; var y = shipPosition.y*scaleY+border.y; renderIconShip(x, y, fontsize*1.5); context.globalAlpha = 1.0; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText('Galactic Scanner', canvas.width/2, 30);
function renderLongRangeInformation()
{ context.globalAlpha = 1.0;
// renderIconShip(centreX, centreY, 10); context.globalAlpha = 1.0; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillText('Long Range Scanner', canvas.width/2, 30);
function renderIconShip(posx, posy, scale)
{ // render our ship var x = posx+mapCentreX; var y = posy+mapCentreY; context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, scale*0.5, 0, Math.PI*2); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; context.lineWidth =1; context.stroke(); context.moveTo(x, y-scale*1.5); context.lineTo(x-scale, y+scale*1.5); context.lineTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x+scale, y+scale*1.5); context.closePath(); context.stroke();
function gradon(radian)
{ return Math.floor(radian*100 / (Math.PI*2));
function leadPadding(value, num, sign)
{ var padded = value>=0 ? (sign?'+':'') :'-'; var absvalue = Math.abs(value); for (var i=1;i<num;i++) { padded += (absvalue<Math.pow(10,i)) ? "0":""; } return padded+absvalue;
function renderTargetingComputer()
{ if (!targetComputer) return; // flicker if (>=isDestroyed && Math.random()>0.9) return; var x = centreX; var y = centreY; var w = canvas.width/16; var h = canvas.height/16; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x+w/4, y); context.lineTo(x+w, y); context.moveTo(x-w/4, y); context.lineTo(x-w, y); if (viewingFront()) { context.moveTo(x, y-h/4); context.lineTo(x, y-h); context.moveTo(x, y+h/4); context.lineTo(x, y+h); } context.lineWidth = 7; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)'; context.stroke(); context.lineWidth = 3; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,1)'; context.stroke(); if (viewingFront()) { var x1 = mapScale.x*16; var y1 = mapScale.y*8; var xw =border.x; var yh =mapScale.y*2; context.beginPath(); context.rect(x1, y1, xw, yh); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,128,0.5)'; context.fill(); context.rect(x1+xw*0.25, y1+yh*0.25, xw*0.5, yh*0.5); context.moveTo(x1, y1+yh*0.5); if (<isDestroyed || Math.random()<0.9) context.lineTo(x1+xw*0.25, y1+yh*0.5); context.moveTo(x1+xw*0.75, y1+yh*0.5); if (<isDestroyed || Math.random()<0.9) context.lineTo(x1+xw, y1+yh*0.5); context.moveTo(x1+xw*0.5, y1); if (<isDestroyed || Math.random()<0.9) context.lineTo(x1+xw*0.5, y1+yh*0.25); context.moveTo(x1+xw*0.5, y1+yh*0.75); if (<isDestroyed || Math.random()<0.9) context.lineTo(x1+xw*0.5, y1+yh); context.lineWidth = 4; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; context.stroke(); // compute tracking position var distance = 0; var gradonTheta = 0; var gradonPhi = 0; var displayTarget = true; if (>=isDamaged) displayTarget = Math.random()<0.95; if (>=isDestroyed) displayTarget = Math.random()<0.05; if (trackingTarget>=0 && trackingTarget < nmes.length && nmes[trackingTarget].hitpoints && displayTarget) { var x = modulo2(localPosition.x - nmes[trackingTarget].pos.x, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var y = modulo2(localPosition.y - nmes[trackingTarget].pos.y, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var z = modulo2(localPosition.z - nmes[trackingTarget].pos.z, localSpaceCubed)-localSpaceCubed*0.5; var t = orientation.transform(x,y,z); distance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(t.x*t.x+t.y*t.y+t.z*t.z)); if (t.z<0) distance*=-1; // compute angles var phi = Math.atan2(t.x, t.z); var rx1 = (modulo2(phi+Math.PI, Math.PI*2) / (Math.PI*2)) * (xw-30) + x1+15; var theta = Math.atan2(t.y, Math.sqrt(t.x*t.x+t.z*t.z)); var ry1 = (modulo2(theta+Math.PI, Math.PI*2) / (Math.PI*2)) *2* (yh-15) + y1+15-yh*0.5; context.beginPath(); context.rect(rx1-8, ry1-8, 16,16); context.rect(rx1-15, ry1-15, 5, 30); context.rect(rx1+10, ry1-15, 5, 30); context.fillStyle= 'yellow'; context.fill(); // convert to gradons gradonTheta = gradon(theta); gradonPhi = gradon(phi); } context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "left"; context.fillText('T:'+trackingTarget, x1, canvas.height-15); if (<isDamaged || Math.random()<0.2) { context.fillText('R:'+leadPadding(distance,3, true), x1+xw*0.5, canvas.height-15); context.fillText('Φ:'+leadPadding(gradonPhi,2, true), x1, y1-15); context.fillText('θ:'+leadPadding(gradonTheta,2, true), x1+xw*0.5, y1-15); } else { var msgs = ["", "PcLdLtr", "NaN", "Inf"]; context.fillText('R:'+msgs[Math.floor(Math.random()*2)], x1+xw*0.5, canvas.height-15); context.fillText('Φ:'+msgs[Math.floor(Math.random()*2)*2], x1, y1-15); context.fillText('θ:'+msgs[Math.floor(Math.random()*2)*3], x1+xw*0.5, y1-15); } } if (trackingComputer && triggerWarp==normalSpace) { var aim = getWarpCentre(); var x = aim.x; var y = aim.y; var w = canvas.width/64; var h = canvas.height/64; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y+h); context.lineTo(x+w, y); context.lineTo(x, y-h); context.lineTo(x-w, y); context.closePath(); context.lineWidth = 7; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,0,0.2)'; context.stroke(); context.lineWidth = 3; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,0,0.8)'; context.stroke(); }
function renderStarDate()
{ var d = new Date(); var currentTime = d.getTime(); var gameTime = currentTime - gameStart; var decimalTime = gameTime / 60000; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "left"; leadingzero = decimalTime<10 ? '0':''; context.fillText('StarDate: ' + leadingzero + decimalTime.toFixed(2), canvas.width-border.x+15, canvas.height-15);
function renderKills()
{ context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "left"; leadingzero = kills<10 ? '0':''; context.fillText('Kills: ' + leadingzero + kills, 15, canvas.height-15);
function renderVelocity()
{ context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "right"; leadingzero = shipVelocity<10 ? '0':''; context.textAlign = "right"; context.fillText('Velocity: ', canvas.width-mapScale.x-40, 30); context.textAlign = "right"; var intVel = Math.floor(shipVelocity); context.fillText(leadingzero + intVel, canvas.width-mapScale.x, 30); context.textAlign = "left"; var fracVel = Math.floor((shipVelocity-intVel)*100); postZero = fracVel<10? '0':''; context.fillText('.' + fracVel + postZero, canvas.width-mapScale.x, 30);
function renderEnergy()
{ context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.textAlign = "center"; leadingzero = energy<10 ? '000':''; leadingzero = energy<100 ? '00':''; leadingzero = energy<1000 ? '0':''; context.fillText('Energy: ' + leadingzero + energy.toFixed(0), canvas.width/2, canvas.height-15);
function GuestimateScore()
{ UpdateRunningStatistics() var ranking = CalculateScore(allDead); context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.textAlign = 'center'; context.lineWidth = 1; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,0,240,0.8)'; context.fillText('On track for: '+ rank(ranking), canvas.width/2, 25);
function renderDamage()
{ context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,255)'; context.textAlign = "right"; context.fillText('DC:', canvas.width/9, canvas.height-15); var dam = "PESCLR"; context.font = '30pt Orbitron'; context.textAlign = "left"; for (var i=0; i<6; i++) { context.lineWidth = 3; damage = systemsDamage[i]; if (damage<isDamaged) context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0,255,255)'; else if (damage<isDestroyed) context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; else context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.strokeText(dam[i], canvas.width/9 + i*40, canvas.height-15); } var i=0; var message = ["Photons are", "Engines are", "Shields are", "Computer is", "Long Range Scanner is", "Sub-space Radio is"]; for (var o in shipDamage) { var damage = systemsDamage[i]; if (shipDamage[o]!=damage) { if (damage>=isDamaged) { if (shipDamage[o]<isDamaged) { startText(message[i] + " damaged", border.x, 150); if (i==1) SetThrottle(GetControl('throttle')); if (i==5) radioDamageTime = (new Date()).getTime(); } if (shipDamage[o]<isDestroyed && damage>=isDestroyed) { startText(message[i] + " now destroyed", border.x, 150); if (i==1) SetThrottle(GetControl('throttle')); if (i==2) setShieldUp(false); } } shipDamage[o] = systemsDamage[i]; } i++; }
function ProfileRenderGameScreen()
{ // RenderStarDome(); profile(renderStarfield); profile(RenderAsteroids); profile(RenderNMEs); profile(RenderParticles); profile(renderShield);
function renderGameScreen()
{ // RenderStarDome(); renderStarfield(); RenderAsteroids(); RenderNMEs(); RenderParticles(); renderShield();
function RenderRanks()
{ context.textAlign = "center"; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,255)'; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillText('Best Ranks', canvas.width/2, 150); for (var i=0; i<bestRanks.length; i++) { // update the last score percentile bestRanks[i].percentile = UpdatePercentile(bestRanks[i].rank); if ((i*50+180) < (canvas.height-90)) { context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillText('Rank: '+ rank(bestRanks[i].rank)+' - Ranked in top '+bestRanks[i].percentile.toFixed(1)+'%', canvas.width/2, 180+i*50); context.font = '12pt Orbitron'; context.fillText('Date: '+ bestRanks[i].date, canvas.width/2, 200+i*50); } }
function RenderColumnStat(name, value, x, y, w)
{ context.textAlign = 'right'; context.fillText(value, x+w, y); context.textAlign = 'left'; context.fillText(name, x, y);
function RenderStatistics(stat, lastgame, fade)
{ var x = canvas.width/2 - 600; var y = 150; var yinc = 20; context.lineWidth = 1; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,255,0,'+fade+')'; if (lastgame) { context.textAlign = 'left'; context.strokeText('Last Game Stats', x, y); } else { context.textAlign = 'right'; context.strokeText('All time stats', x+1200, y); }
// context.textAlign = 'left';
// context.strokeText(lastgame?'Last Game Stats':'All time stats', x, y); var precision = lastgame ?2 : 0; y+=20; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,'+fade+')'; context.font = '16pt Orbitron'; var w = 380; var columnY = y; RenderColumnStat('You Won :', stat.endgames[allDead], x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('You were destroyed: ', stat.endgames[destroyed], x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('You run out of energy: ', stat.endgames[energyLost], x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('All your bases gone: ', stat.endgames[basesGone], x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Manually Aborted: ', stat.endgames[aborted], x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Difficulty: ', stat.difficulty, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Played: ', stat.played, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Accuracy: ', stat.accuracy.toFixed(2), x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Shots Fired: ', stat.shots, x, y+=yinc, w); y = columnY; x+=410; RenderColumnStat('Meteors Fragmented: ', stat.roidsFragmented, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Meteors Destroyed: ', stat.roidsHit, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Shields Hit: ', stat.shieldsHit, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Ships Hit: ', stat.shipsHit, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Shots Hit: ', stat.deflects, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Starbases killed: ', stat.killTypes[0], x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Fighters killed: ', stat.killTypes[1], x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Cruisers killed: ', stat.killTypes[2], x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Basestars killed: ', stat.killTypes[3], x, y+=yinc, w); y = columnY; x+=410; RenderColumnStat('Energy Used: ',, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Refueled: ', stat.refuel.toFixed(precision), x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Starbases lost: ', stat.bases, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Times jumped: ', stat.jumped, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Energy jumped: ', stat.jumpedEnergy.toFixed(precision), x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Sectors jumped: ', stat.travelled, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Jumps cancelled: ', stat.jumpCancelled, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Damaged Systems: ', stat.damaged, x, y+=yinc, w); RenderColumnStat('Metrons Travelled: ', stat.distance.toFixed(precision), x, y+=yinc, w);
function RenderInstructions()
{ var time = new Date().getTime() - titleStartTime; var dt = modulo2(time, 40000); if (dt<1000) fade = dt/1000; else if (dt<10000) fade = 1; else if (dt>10000) fade = (11000-dt)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,64,0,'+fade+')'; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillText('original game written by', canvas.width/2, 150); context.fillText('Respectfully rejuvenated by', canvas.width/2, 250); context.font = '30pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,128,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Doug Neubauer, Atari, 1979', canvas.width/2, 200); context.fillText('Andi Smithers, 2014', canvas.width/2,300); context.font = '14pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,128,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Version 0.99 beta', canvas.width/2, 360); fade = 0; if (dt>20000) fade = (21000-dt)/1000; else if (dt>11000) fade = 1; else if (dt>10000) fade = (dt-10000)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); var x = (canvas.width/2) + 500; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+fade+')'; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.textAlign = "right"; context.fillText('Instructions', x, 150); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,255,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Protect starbases from being destroyed', x, 180); context.fillText('Use Hyperspace chart to warp to a sector',x, 270); context.fillText('Clear all enemies in a sector to remove threat', x, 330); context.fillText('Use shields to defend against meteors and weapons', x,390); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,192,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Starbases are vunerable when surrounded', x, 210); context.fillText('Select sector with cross hair before warping',x, 300); context.fillText('Dock at starbases to replenish energy', x,360); context.fillText('Keep Warp Cursor Centred for optimal warp', x,420); fade = 0; if (dt>30000) fade = (31000-dt)/1000; else if (dt>21000) fade = 1; else if (dt>20000) fade = (dt-20000)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); var x = (canvas.width/2) - 500; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+fade+')'; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.textAlign = "left"; context.fillText('Keyboard short cuts', x, 150); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 255,255,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('S : Shields', x, 180); context.fillText('H : Hyperspace', x, 210); context.fillText('L : Longrange scanner',x, 240); context.fillText('G : Galactic chart', x, 270); context.fillText('C : Computer', x,300); context.fillText('T : Tracking', x,330); context.fillText('M : Select Target', x,360); context.fillText('A : Aft/Front view', x,390); context.fillText('0-9 : Throttle (Mousewheel as well)', x,420); context.fillText('Mouse to target, Left Mouse fires weapons', x,450); fade = 0; if (dt<1000 && time>40000) fade = (1000-dt)/1000; else if (dt>31000) fade = 1; else if (dt>30000) fade = (dt-30000)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); var x = (canvas.width/2) + 500; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+fade+')'; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.textAlign = "right"; context.fillText('Strategies', x, 150); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,255,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Destroy Fast moving patrols first', x, 180); context.fillText('Starbases when destroyed will spawn a new enemy patrol', x,240); context.fillText('Destroying Asteroids is for fun only',x, 300); context.fillText('Cancel Hyperwarps before 99 and you get a free boost(well almost free)',x, 360); context.fillText('Watch your Energy and dont forget to refuel', x,420); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,192,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Patrols move every 30 seconds or so', x, 210); context.fillText('If you cant save the base, destroying it denies the enemy', x,270); context.fillText('Never come out of warp without shields up', x,330); context.fillText('12.00 is a good cruise speed', x,390);
function RenderCredits()
{ var time = new Date().getTime() - titleStartTime; var dt = modulo2(time, 40000); if (dt<1000) fade = dt/1000; else if (dt<10000) fade = 1; else if (dt>10000) fade = (11000-dt)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,64,0,'+fade+')'; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillText('original game written by', canvas.width/2, 150); context.fillText('Respectfully rejuvenated by', canvas.width/2, 250); context.font = '30pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,128,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Doug Neubauer, Atari, 1979', canvas.width/2, 200); context.fillText('Andi Smithers, 2014', canvas.width/2,300); context.font = '14pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,128,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Version 0.99 beta', canvas.width/2, 360); fade = 0; if (dt>20000) fade = (21000-dt)/1000; else if (dt>11000) fade = 1; else if (dt>10000) fade = (dt-10000)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); var x = (canvas.width/2) + 500; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+fade+')'; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.textAlign = "right"; context.fillText('Thanks', x, 150); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,255,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Brian Dumlao for QA pass in his off hours', x, 180); context.fillText('Codepen for making it easy to prototype',x, 240); context.fillText('All the Disney folks I work with daily',x, 300); context.fillText('Gary Fratarolla for lots of gameplay feedback',x, 360); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,192,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Chris Chapman for pointing me at some cool webresources', x, 210); context.fillText('Parse for a real easy to use datastore',x, 270); context.fillText('Lillian Harter for feedback on gameplay and startup experience',x, 330); context.fillText('Sheri Smithers for putting up with my late nights',x, 390); fade = 0; if (dt>30000) fade = (31000-dt)/1000; else if (dt>21000) fade = 1; else if (dt>20000) fade = (dt-20000)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); var x = (canvas.width/2) - 500; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+fade+')'; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.textAlign = "left"; context.fillText('Objective of this project', x, 150); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,255,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('This game is completely procedural.', x, 180); context.fillText('This project started out as an exercise', x, 240); context.fillText('the need to go into webGL or other extensions', x, 300); context.fillText('Taking about 2 weeks for all modules', x,360); context.fillText('It was written in about 3 hours per evening over 5 weeks', x,420); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,192,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Art, Sound and data are all generated',x, 210); context.fillText('into creating HTML5 canvas games without', x,270); context.fillText('The project was built with about 8 or so modules',x, 330); context.fillText('However it took 3 more weeks to build them into the game', x,390); context.fillText('whilst my wife, sheri and son, edward slept - andi.', x,450); fade = 0; if (dt<1000 && time>40000) fade = (1000-dt)/1000; else if (dt>31000) fade = 1; else if (dt>30000) fade = (dt-30000)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); var x = (canvas.width/2) - 500; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+fade+')'; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.textAlign = "left"; context.fillText('A note from the author- sept 2014', x, 150); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,255,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('This game is completely procedural.', x, 180); context.fillText('This project started out as an exercise', x, 240); context.fillText('the need to go into webGL or other extensions', x, 300); context.fillText('Taking about 2 weeks for all modules', x,360); context.fillText('It was written in about 3 hours per evening over 5 weeks', x,420); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,192,0,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Art, Sound and data are all generated',x, 210); context.fillText('into creating HTML5 canvas games without', x,270); context.fillText('The project was built with about 8 or so modules',x, 330); context.fillText('However it took 3 more weeks to build them into the game', x,390); context.fillText('whilst my wife, sheri and son, edward slept - andi.', x,450);
function RenderStats()
{ var time = new Date().getTime() - titleStartTime; var dt = modulo2(time, 30000); var fade = 0; if (dt<1000) fade = dt/1000; else fade = (16000-dt)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); RenderStatistics(statistics, true, fade); fade = 0; if (dt<1000 && time>30000) fade = (1000-dt)/1000; else if (dt<15000) fade = 0; else fade = (dt-15000)/1000; fade = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, fade)); RenderStatistics(totals, false, fade);
function ProfileRenderTitleScreen()
{ profile(renderStarfield); profile(RenderAsteroids); profile(RenderButtons); switch (attractMode) { case 0: profile(RenderInstructions); break; case 1: profile(RenderStats); break; case 2: profile(RenderRanks); break; case 3: profile(RenderCredits); break; } profile(RenderMainTitle);
function RenderTitleScreen()
{ renderStarfield(); RenderAsteroids(); RenderButtons(); switch (attractMode) { case 0: RenderInstructions(); break; case 1: RenderStats(); break; case 2: RenderRanks(); break; case 3: RenderCredits(); break; } RenderMainTitle();
function RenderMainTitle()
{ context.font = '61pt Orbitron'; context.lineWidth = 8; context.textAlign = "center"; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,128,0,0.5)'; context.strokeText('STAR RAIDERS - 2014', canvas.width/2,100); context.lineWidth = 1; context.font = '60pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.fillText('STAR RAIDERS - 2014', canvas.width/2,100); var titlepixel = context.measureText('STAR RAIDERS - 2014'); context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; //context.fillText('FireFox is kind of running. Performance on OSX sucks bad. Chrome and Safari should be running fine. Please comment with bugs!', canvas.width/2, 24); // update the last score percentile lastScore.percentile = UpdatePercentile(lastScore.rank); context.textAlign = "center"; context.font = '20pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,255)'; context.textAlign = "center"; var time = new Date().getTime() - titleStartTime; var dt = modulo2(time, 20000); if (dt<9000) fade = 1; else if (dt<10000) fade = (10000-dt)/1000; else if (dt>19000) fade = (dt-19000)/1000; fade =Math.max(0, fade); invfade = 1.0-fade; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,255,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Last Score: '+ rank(lastScore.rank) +' - Ranked in top '+lastScore.percentile.toFixed(1)+'%', canvas.width/2, canvas.height- 40); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,255,'+invfade+')'; context.fillText('Best Rank: '+ rank(bestRanks[0].rank) +' - Ranked in top '+bestRanks[0].percentile.toFixed(1)+'%', canvas.width/2, canvas.height- 40); context.font = '12pt Orbitron'; context.fillText('Date: '+ bestRanks[0].date, canvas.width/2, canvas.height- 20); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,255,'+fade+')'; context.fillText('Date: '+, canvas.width/2, canvas.height- 20);
function UpdatePercentile(rank)
{ var percentile = 100; // update percentiles if (gameHitsPerRanks[rank+247]) percentile = 100 - (gameHitsPerRanks[rank+247] / gameTotalPlays * 100); return percentile;
function ranksort(a, b)
{ return (b.rank-a.rank);
function AddNewRank(ranking, date)
{ var percentile = UpdatePercentile(ranking); = date; lastScore.rank = ranking; lastScore.percentile = percentile; // compute using database // adds a rank making it 11 bestRanks.push({rank:ranking, date:date, percentile:percentile}); // sorts rank in high to low bestRanks.sort(ranksort); // pops the 11th off bestRanks.pop(); // update totals totals.rank+=ranking; // update local db SaveRanks();
function LoadStats()
{ var result = LoadCookie("statistics"); if (result) statistics = result; var result = LoadCookie("totals"); if (result) totals = result;
function SaveStats()
{ SaveCookie("statistics", statistics); SaveCookie("totals", totals);
function LoadRanks()
{ var result = LoadCookie("lastScore"); if (result) { lastScore = result; = new Date(; } var result = LoadCookie("bestRanks"); if (result) { bestRanks = result; for (var i=0; i<bestRanks.length;i++) bestRanks[i].date = new Date(bestRanks[i].date); }
function SaveRanks()
{ SaveCookie("lastScore", lastScore); SaveCookie("bestRanks", bestRanks);
function SaveCookie(name, value)
{ var cookie = [name, '=', JSON.stringify(value), '; domain=.',, '; path=/;'].join(''); document.cookie = cookie;
function LoadCookie(name)
{ var result = document.cookie.match(new RegExp(name + '=([^;]+)')); result && (result = JSON.parse(result[1])); return result;
function DeleteCookie(name)
{ document.cookie = [name, '=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/; domain=.',].join('');
// setup buttons
function SetupTitleButtons()
{ // erase old buttons buttons = []; var w = canvas.width; var b = border; var ms = mapScale; var bx = border.x*0.2; var bw = border.x*0.6; new Button(w-bx-bw, b.y*3.2, bw, ms.y*0.7, "Novice", StartNovice, '0'); new Button(w-bx-bw, b.y*4.2, bw, ms.y*0.7, "Pilot", StartPilot, '1'); new Button(w-bx-bw, b.y*5.2, bw, ms.y*0.7, "Warrior", StartWarrior, '2'); new Button(w-bx-bw, b.y*6.2, bw, ms.y*0.7, "Commander", StartCommander, '3'); new Button(bx, b.y*3.2, bw, ms.y*0.7, "Statistics", ViewStats, '4'); new Button(bx, b.y*4.2, bw, ms.y*0.7, "Ranks", ViewRanks, '5'); new Button(bx, b.y*5.2, bw, ms.y*0.7, "Instructions", ViewInstructions, '6'); new Button(bx, b.y*6.2, bw, ms.y*0.7, "Credits", ViewCredits, '7'); if (displayProfile==true) { new Button(5, 5, bw/2, ms.y/2, "profile", ProfileToggle, 'p'); GetControl('profile').state = profiling; }
function ProfileToggle(button)
{ button.state^=1; profiling = button.state;
function StartNovice()
{ PlayConfirm(); StartGame(novice);
function StartPilot()
{ PlayConfirm(); StartGame(pilot);
function StartWarrior()
{ PlayConfirm(); StartGame(warrior);
function StartCommander()
{ PlayConfirm(); StartGame(commander);
function ViewInstructions()
{ PlayConfirm(); attractMode = 0; titleStartTime = new Date().getTime()-11000;
function ViewStats()
{ PlayConfirm(); attractMode = 1; titleStartTime = new Date().getTime();
function ViewRanks()
{ PlayConfirm(); attractMode = 2;
function ViewCredits()
{ PlayConfirm(); attractMode = 3; titleStartTime = new Date().getTime();
function ProfileUpdateTitleScreen()
{ localPosition.z= modulo2(localPosition.z-0.1, localSpaceCubed*0.25); setTrackingMouse(false); profile(moveStarfield); profile(UpdateAsteroids);
function UpdateTitleScreen()
{ localPosition.z= modulo2(localPosition.z-0.1, localSpaceCubed*0.25); setTrackingMouse(false); moveStarfield(); UpdateAsteroids();
function renderOverlays()
{ switch (overlayMode) { case eGalacticScanner: renderGalacticScanner(); if (!lrsOffScreen) renderLongRangeScanner(); break; case eLongRange: renderLongRangeScanner(); if (!mapOffScreen) renderGalacticScanner(); break; case eTargetComputer: renderTargetingComputer(); if (!lrsOffScreen) renderLongRangeScanner(); if (!mapOffScreen) renderGalacticScanner(); break; default: if (!lrsOffScreen) renderLongRangeScanner(); if (!mapOffScreen) renderGalacticScanner(); break; }
function renderSubspaceMessages()
{ // only if (shipDamage.subspaceradio>=isDamaged && endGameEvent==playing) { // flicker if (shipDamage.subspaceradio>=isDestroyed || Math.random()>0.9) return; } displayText();
// rendering functions
function ProfileRender()
{ document.getElementById("star-raiders").style.background = backgroundColor; context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); if (titleScreen == true) return profile(RenderTitleScreen); profile(ProfileRenderGameScreen); if (endGameEvent == playing) { profile(renderOverlays); profile(renderInformation); } profile(RenderButtons); if (endGameEvent == playing) profile(WeaponCollisions); profile(DrawRedAlert); profile(renderSubspaceMessages);
function render()
{ document.getElementById("star-raiders").style.background = backgroundColor; context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); if (titleScreen == true) return RenderTitleScreen(); renderGameScreen(); if (endGameEvent == playing) { renderOverlays(); renderInformation(); } RenderButtons(); if (endGameEvent == playing) WeaponCollisions(); DrawRedAlert(); renderSubspaceMessages();
// per frame tick functions
var previousTime = 0;
var currentTime = 0;
var freqHz = 0.016666;
function updateclocks()
{ // compute frequency frameCount++; // compute time between frames currentTime = new Date().getTime(); if (previousTime) freqHz = (currentTime - previousTime)/1000.0; previousTime = new Date().getTime();
// movement functions
function update()
{ if (pauseGame == true) return; if (titleScreen == true) return UpdateTitleScreen(); setTrackingMouse(endGameEvent==playing); moveStarfield(); UpdateAsteroids(); if (endGameEvent == playing) { UpdateBoard(); UpdateShipControls(); TrackTargets(); } UpdateNMEs(); UpdateParticles(); if (endGameEvent == playing) energyManagement(); else EndGameEvent();
function ProfileItem(name)
{ = name; this.last = 0; this.calls =0; =0; this.maxtime = 0; this.mintime = 0;
ProfileItem.prototype.add = function(time)
{ this.last = time; this.calls++;; this.mintime = Math.min(time, this.mintime); this.maxtime = Math.max(time, this.maxtime);
var profileItems = {};
function profile(func)
{ var st =;// (new Date()).getTime(); func(); var en =;//(new Date()).getTime(); if (profileItems[]===undefined) profileItems[] = new ProfileItem(; profileItems[].add((en-st));
var lastProfileTime = 0;
function profileDump()
{ var time = (new Date).getTime(); if (time-lastProfileTime > 5000) { console.log(profileItems); lastProfileTime = time; }
function profileDisplay()
{ var keys = []; x = 250; y = 50; w = 250; context.font = '12pt Orbitron'; context.fillStyle = '#0000ff'; for(var obj in profileItems) { keys.push(obj); var item = profileItems[obj]; // remove coded profile name var name ="profile",""); name = name.replace("Profile",""); // log line profileColumnStat(name, item.maxtime,, item.calls, x, y, w); y+=30; }
function profileColumnStat(name, maxVal, avgVal, count, x, y, w)
{ context.textAlign = 'left'; context.fillText(name, x, y); context.fillText("avg: "+avgVal.toFixed(2) + "ms | peek: " + maxVal.toFixed(2)+"ms", x+w, y);
function ProfileUpdate()
{ if (pauseGame == true) return; if (titleScreen == true) return profile(ProfileUpdateTitleScreen); setTrackingMouse(endGameEvent==playing); profile(moveStarfield); profile(UpdateAsteroids); if (endGameEvent == playing) { profile(UpdateBoard); profile(UpdateShipControls); profile(TrackTargets); } profile(UpdateNMEs); profile(UpdateParticles); if (endGameEvent == playing) profile(energyManagement); else profile(EndGameEvent);
function animate()
{ // compute frequency updateclocks(); if (profiling) { // movement update profile(ProfileUpdate); // render update profile(ProfileRender); // periodically upload stats profileDump(); } else { // movement update update(); // render update render(); } // trigger next frame requestAnimationFrame(animate);
// keyboard controls
function processKeydown(event)
{ var key = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode); if (CheckShortcuts(key)==false) { // throttle if (key>='0' && key<='9') { var slider = GetControl("throttle"); slider.value = key - '0'; SetThrottle(slider); } if (key=='M') trackingTarget++; if (trackingTarget>=nmes.length) trackingTarget = 0; }
// setup buttons
function SetupButtons()
{ // erase old buttons buttons = []; var b = border; var ms = mapScale; var bx = border.x*0.2; var bw = border.x*0.6; new Button(bx, b.y*2.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Long Range", SwitchToLongRange, 'L'); new Button(bx, b.y*3.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Galaxy Chart", SwitchToGalaxyChart, 'G'); new Button(bx, b.y*4.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Hyperspace", ToggleWarp, 'H'); new Button(bx, b.y*5.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Shields", ToggleShields, 'S'); new Button(bx, b.y*6.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Target Comp", ToggleTargetComp, 'C'); new Button(bx, b.y*7.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Tracking", ToggleTrackingComp, 'T'); new Button(bx, b.y*8.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Swap View", ToggleView, 'A'); new Button(bx, b.y*1.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Pause Game", TogglePauseGame, 'P'); new Button(bx, b.y*0.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Abort Mission", AbortMission, 'Q'); new Slider(ms.x*20, b.y*2, border.x*0.25, ms.y*6, 10, true, 10, "throttle", SetThrottle);
function SwitchToLongRange(button)
{ //console.log("switching to long range"); if (overlayMode == eLongRange) { overlayMode = targetComputer?eTargetComputer:eNone; GetControl("Target Comp").state = targetComputer; } else { overlayMode = eLongRange; } button.state = overlayMode == eLongRange; ClearButtonState("Galaxy Chart");
function SwitchToGalaxyChart(button)
{ //console.log("switching to galatic range"); if (overlayMode == eGalacticScanner) { overlayMode = targetComputer?eTargetComputer:eNone; GetControl("Target Comp").state = targetComputer; } else { overlayMode = eGalacticScanner; } button.state = overlayMode == eGalacticScanner; ClearButtonState("Long Range");
function ToggleWarp(button)
{ // cant cancel now if (triggerWarp == inHyperspace) return; button.state^=1; if (button.state == false && triggerWarp!=normalSpace) triggerWarp=cancelHyperspace; else { triggerWarp = enterHyperspace; PlayBeginHyperspace(); warpDeltaDistance = 0; } if (warpLocked && triggerWarp==enterHyperspace) { startText("jumping to hyperspace", border.x, 150); } else if (!warpLocked && triggerWarp==enterHyperspace) { startText("No hyperspace location set.\nYou could end up anywhere", border.x, 150); } else { startText("Aborting jump to hyperspace", border.x, 150); }
function ToggleShields(button)
{ button.state^=1; var on = shipDamage.shields>=isDestroyed ? false : button.state; setShieldUp(on); setSplutter(30, 60); startText(getShieldUp()?"Shields Activated": "Shields Deactivated", border.x, 150); PlayConfirm();
function ToggleTargetComp(button)
{ PlayConfirm(); if (overlayMode != eTargetComputer) { overlayMode = eTargetComputer; targetComputer = 1; button.state=1; ClearButtonState("Long Range"); ClearButtonState("Galaxy Chart"); } else { overlayMode = eNone; button.state = 0; targetComputer=0; }
function ToggleTrackingComp(button)
{ button.state^=1; trackingComputer= button.state; startText(trackingComputer?"ship tracking enabled": "ship tracking disabled", border.x, 150); PlayConfirm();
function ToggleView(button)
{ button.state^=1; swapView();
function TogglePauseGame(button)
{ PlayConfirm(); button.state^=1; pauseGame = button.state; startText(pauseGame ? "Paused Game":"Resume Game", border.x, 150);
function AbortMission(button)
{ if (GetControl("Confirm")==null) { PlayConfirm(); startText("Abort Mission (Y/N) ?", border.x, 150); var b = border; var ms = mapScale; var bx = b.x*0.2; var bw = b.x*0.6; new Button(bx+bw*1.06, b.y*0.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Confirm", AbortMissionConfirm, 'Y'); new Button(bx+bw*2.12, b.y*0.2, bw, ms.y*0.6, "Cancel", AbortMissionCancel, 'N'); }
function AbortMissionConfirm(button)
{ PlayConfirm(); startText(" ", border.x, 150); startText(" ", border.x, 150); startText(" ", border.x, 150); EndGame(aborted);
function AbortMissionCancel(button)
{ PlayConfirm(); SetupButtons(); startText("Cancelled Abort Mission ", border.x, 150);
function EndGame(endType)
{ // not sure how we got back here if we're not playing if (endGameEvent != playing) return; // andi: needs the tickers sequence statistics.endgames[endType]++; if (endType == destroyed) { DestroyShip(); } if (endType == energyLost) { PowerDownShip(); } // clear all buttons buttons = []; // clear redalert redTime = 0; // update statistics UpdateAllTotals(); // calculate the player rank var ranking = CalculateScore(endType); AddNewRank(ranking, new Date()); // save stats and rank to server SaveStatistics(); // save stats to local storage SaveStats(); // save new rank UpdateRankings(ranking); // need to go back to title.
// TitleScreen(); endGameTime = new Date().getTime(); endGameEvent = endType; endGameLastMessage=-1; endGameRank = rank(ranking); SetupMainMenuButton();
function SetupMainMenuButton()
{ // main menu buttons = []; new Button(border.x, canvas.height/2, border.x, mapScale.y*0.6, "Return to Main Menu", TitleScreen, ' ');
function EndGameEvent()
{ if (endGameEvent == playing) return; var currentTime = new Date().getTime(); var dx = currentTime - endGameTime; var messageNum = Math.floor(dx/2500)%4; if (endGameLastMessage != messageNum) { var endMessages = [ "Star fleet to all units", "Star Cruiser 7 aborted mission", // aborted "Star Cruiser 7 destroyed by zlyon fire", // destroyed "Star Cruiser 7 depleted energy, mission aborted", // energylost "Star Cruiser 7 all starbases lost, mission aborted", // basesGone "Star Cruiser 7 all enemy units destroyed", // allDead "Posthumous rank: ", "Rank: "]; endGameLastMessage = messageNum; if (messageNum == 0) { startText("",border.x, 150); startText(endMessages[0], border.x, 150); } else if (messageNum == 1) startText(endMessages[endGameEvent+1], border.x, 150); else if (messageNum == 2) startText(endMessages[endGameEvent==destroyed?6:7] + endGameRank,border.x, 150); }
function DestroyShip()
{ // explode (Asteroids) trackingComputer=false; targetComputer = false; setShieldUp(false); // detroy base SpawnAsteroidsAt(localPosition); setSpawn(localPosition.x, localPosition.y, localPosition.z); getExplodeEmitter().create(); getDustEmitter().create(); PlayExplosion();
function PowerDownShip()
{ // explode (Asteroids) trackingComputer=false; targetComputer = false; setShieldUp(false); setShipVelocity = 0;
function CalculateScore(finishType)
{ var Mtable = [ 80, 60, 40, 76, 60, 50, 60, 50, 40, 111, 100, 90]; // compute M var mindex = gameDifficulty*3; if (finishType == destroyed) mindex++; if (finishType != allDead) mindex++; var M = Mtable[mindex]; M += 6*statistics.kills; M -= Math.floor(; M -= statistics.killTypes[base] * 3; M -= statistics.bases * 18; M -= Math.floor(statistics.timePlayed); // time is decimalized statistics.rank = M; return M;
function SaveStatistics()
{ // save var Statistics = Parse.Object.extend("Statistics"); var rankings = new Statistics();
// var statsjson = JSON.stringify(statistics);
// console.log("jsonstring = "+statsjson); rankings.set('rank', statistics.rank); rankings.set('kills', statistics.kills); rankings.set('timePlayed', statistics.timePlayed); rankings.set('difficulty', statistics.difficulty); rankings.set('played',statistics.played); rankings.set('roidsFragmented',statistics.roidsFragmented); rankings.set('roidsHit',statistics.roidsHit); rankings.set('refuel',statistics.refuel); rankings.set('shieldsHit',statistics.shieldsHit); rankings.set('bases',statistics.bases); rankings.set('shipsHit',statistics.shipsHit); rankings.set('killTypes',statistics.killTypes); rankings.set('damaged',statistics.damaged); rankings.set('shots',statistics.shots); rankings.set('deflects',statistics.deflects); rankings.set('jumped',statistics.jumped); rankings.set('jumpedEnergy',statistics.jumpedEnergy); rankings.set('jumpCancelled',statistics.jumpCancelled); rankings.set('accuracy',statistics.accuracy); rankings.set('energy',; rankings.set('distance',statistics.distance); rankings.set('endgames',statistics.endgames); { console.log("uploaded statistics"); });
function UpdateRankings(ranking)
{ // range to the min/max if (ranking < -248) ranking = -248; else if (ranking >320) ranking = 320; var Ranks = Parse.Object.extend("Ranks"); var query = new Parse.Query(Ranks); query.equalTo("rank", ranking); query.first( { success: function(object) { if (object) { object.increment("hits");; } else { var rankings = new Ranks(); rankings.set("rank", ranking); rankings.set("hits", 0);; } }, error: function(error) { console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message); } });
function CacheGlobalRankings()
{ var Ranks = Parse.Object.extend("Ranks"); var query = new Parse.Query(Ranks); query.greaterThan("rank", -250); query.ascending("rank"); query.limit(570); query.find( { success: function(results) { gameTotalPlays = 0; for (var i=0; i<results.length; i++) { var index = results[i].get("rank"); var count = results[i].get("hits"); gameTotalPlays+=count; gameHitsPerRanks[index+248] = gameTotalPlays; } console.log("rankdata = " + gameTotalPlays + ", " + results.length); }, error: function(error) { console.log("error fetching data : "+error.message); } });
// flight controls
var dragStart = {x:0,y:0};
var dragging = false;
var dragCurr = {x:0, y:0};
var dragmatrix = new matrix3x3();
function DragEvent(event)
{ dragCurr.x = event.clientX; dragCurr.y = event.clientY;
function DragEventStart(event)
{ dragStart.x = event.clientX; dragStart.y = event.clientY; dragCurr.x = event.clientX; dragCurr.y = event.clientY; dragmatrix.clone(orientation); shipPhi = 0; shipTheta = 0; dragging = true;
function DragEventDone(event)
{ dragging =false;
var rotateVelocity = 0;
var pitchVelocity = 0;
var shipVelocity = 0;
var shipThrottle = 0;
var shipVelocityEnergy = 0;
var setShipVelocity = 0;
var triggerWarp = 0;
const normalSpace = 0;
const enterHyperspace = 1;
const inHyperspace = 2;
const cancelHyperspace = 3;
function UpdateShipControls()
{ TestMoveUnderMouse(mouseX, mouseY,dragging); if (triggerWarp!=normalSpace) EnteringWarp(); return; var rotationForce = -(dragCurr.x - dragStart.x) / canvas.width; var pitchForce = (dragCurr.y - dragStart.y) / canvas.height; if (dragging==true) { rotateVelocity+=rotationForce; pitchVelocity+=pitchForce; } rotateVelocity*=0.9; pitchVelocity*=0.9; shipTheta+=(pitchVelocity*Math.PI*0.25) / 60; shipPhi+=(rotateVelocity*Math.PI*0.25) / 60; // build rotation matrix var rx = new matrix3x3(); var rz = new matrix3x3(); var ry = new matrix3x3(); rx.rotateX(shipTheta); ry.rotateY(shipPhi); orientation.clone( ry.multiply(rx.multiply(dragmatrix)) ); // orientate the view polar for the scanner var rotate90 = new matrix3x3(); rotate90.rotateX(Math.PI*0.5); scannerView.clone(rotate90.multiply(orientation)); // move along direction of rotation var dv = setShipVelocity-shipVelocity; if (dv<-1) dv = -0.2; if (dv>+1) dv = +0.2; shipVelocity += dv; var speed = -shipVelocity * freqHz; localPosition.x += orientation.m[6]*speed; localPosition.y += orientation.m[7]*speed; localPosition.z += orientation.m[8]*speed;
// UpdateEngineSound(shipVelocity); }
var starTheta = 0;
var starPhi = 0;
// continual movement..
function TestMoveUnderMouse(mouseX, mouseY)
{ // calculate the fov angle from the centre to the mouse var dx = centreX - mouseX; dx = Math.max(Math.min(dx, 512), -512); // clamp rotation spee var sx = dx * focalPoint*5 / 1000; var dy = centreY - mouseY; dy = Math.max(Math.min(dy, 512), -512); var sy = -dy * focalPoint*5 / 1000; //convert into angle angleX = Math.tan(sx/1000); //convert into angle angleY = Math.tan(sy/1000); var rx = new matrix3x3(); var rz = new matrix3x3(); var ry = new matrix3x3(); rx.rotateX(angleY*freqHz); ry.rotateY(angleX*freqHz); shipOrientation.clone( ry.multiply(rx.multiply(shipOrientation)) ); if (viewingFront()) { orientation.clone(shipOrientation); } else { var rotate180 = new matrix3x3(); rotate180.rotateY(Math.PI); orientation.clone(rotate180.multiply(shipOrientation)); } // orientate the view polar for the scanner var rotate90 = new matrix3x3(); rotate90.rotateX(Math.PI*0.5); scannerView.clone(rotate90.multiply(orientation)); // move along direction of rotation var dv = setShipVelocity-shipVelocity; if (dv<-1) dv = -0.2; if (dv>+1) dv = +0.2; shipVelocity += dv; var speed = -shipVelocity * freqHz; localPosition.x += shipOrientation.m[6]*speed; localPosition.y += shipOrientation.m[7]*speed; localPosition.z += shipOrientation.m[8]*speed; // update stats statistics.distance+=Math.abs(speed); // changing setInitVelocity(-setShipVelocity*0.05); if (viewingAft()) setInitVelocity(getInitVelocity()*-1); panStarfield(angleX, angleY); if (triggerWarp == normalSpace) PlayEngine(shipVelocity);
var angleX=0;
var angleY=0;
function TestMoveUnderMouse(mouseX, mouseY, click)
{ if (click) { // calculate the fov angle from the centre to the mouse var dx = centreX - mouseX; var sx = dx * focalPoint*5 / 1400; var dy = centreY - mouseY; var sy = -dy * focalPoint*5 / 1400; //convert into angle angleX = Math.tan(sx/1400); //convert into angle angleY = Math.tan(sy/1400); } else { angleX-=angleX*freqHz; angleY-=angleY*freqHz; } var rx = new matrix3x3(); var rz = new matrix3x3(); var ry = new matrix3x3(); rx.rotateX(angleY*freqHz); ry.rotateY(angleX*freqHz); orientation.clone( ry.multiply(rx.multiply(orientation)) ); // orientate the view polar for the scanner var rotate90 = new matrix3x3(); rotate90.rotateX(Math.PI*0.5); scannerView.clone(rotate90.multiply(orientation)); // move along direction of rotation var dv = setShipVelocity-shipVelocity; if (dv<-1) dv = -0.2; if (dv>+1) dv = +0.2; shipVelocity += dv; var speed = -shipVelocity * freqHz; localPosition.x += orientation.m[6]*speed; localPosition.y += orientation.m[7]*speed; localPosition.z += orientation.m[8]*speed; // changing initVelocity = -setShipVelocity*0.125;
// throttle + energy
var throttleTable = [0, 0.3, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 25, 37, 43 ];
var throttleEnergy = [0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 7.5, 11.25, 15];
function mouseWheel(event)
{ var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (event.wheelDelta || -event.detail))); var slider = GetControl("throttle"); if (slider) { slider.value+=delta*freqHz*6; SetThrottle(slider); }
function SetThrottle(slider)
{ if (slider.value >9) slider.value = 9; if (slider.value <0) slider.value = 0; if (triggerWarp==normalSpace) { throttle = Math.round(slider.value); // engines damaged or destroyed 1/2 or 1/4 speed setShipVelocity = throttleTable[throttle]; shipVelocityEnergy = throttleEnergy[throttle]; if (shipDamage.engines>=isDamaged) setShipVelocity*=0.5; if (shipDamage.engines>=isDestroyed) setShipVelocity*=0.5; }
function energyManagement()
{ // twin ions energy -= (shipVelocityEnergy*freqHz); // shields if (getShieldUp() && !shieldVunerable()) energy -= 2*freqHz; // lifesupport energy -= 0.25 * freqHz; // tracking computer if (trackingComputer) energy -= 0.5 * freqHz; // check damage CheckShields(); // if (shipDamage.shields>=isDamaged && Math.random()>0.98) setSplutter(30, 60); // end game if (energy < 0 ) EndGame(energyLost);
function RenderWarpPoint()
{ if (triggerWarp==normalSpace) return; var warp = getWarpCentre(); var x = warp.x; var y = warp.y; var w = canvas.width/64; var h = canvas.height/64; if (w<h) w = h; else h = w; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x+w/4, y-h); context.lineTo(x+w/4, y-h/4); context.lineTo(x+w, y-h/4); context.moveTo(x-w/4, y-h); context.lineTo(x-w/4, y-h/4); context.lineTo(x-w, y-h/4); context.moveTo(x+w/4, y+h); context.lineTo(x+w/4, y+h/4); context.lineTo(x+w, y+h/4); context.moveTo(x-w/4, y+h); context.lineTo(x-w/4, y+h/4); context.lineTo(x-w, y+h/4); context.lineWidth = 7; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(128,255,255,0.2)'; context.stroke(); context.lineWidth = 3; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(128,255,255,0.8)'; context.stroke();
function EnteringWarp()
{ if (triggerWarp!=normalSpace) { var x = centreX; var y = centreY; setTrackingMouse(false); var warptime = shipVelocity; if (gameDifficulty>pilot && shipVelocity>12) { var warp = getWarpCentre(); var factor = (gameDifficulty-1)*10*warptime*0.01; x = warp.x+Math.random()*factor - (factor*0.5); y = warp.y+Math.random()*factor - (factor*0.5); setTrackingMouse(true); } setWarpCentre({x:x, y:y}); } if (triggerWarp==enterHyperspace) { UpdateHyperspaceSound(shipVelocity); setShipVelocity = 99.99; if (gameDifficulty>novice) { var warp = getWarpCentre(); dx = warp.x - centreX; dy = warp.y - centreY; warpDeltaDistance += (dx*dx+dy*dy)*shipVelocity*shipVelocity; } if (!getEnterWarp() && shipVelocity >90) { triggerWarp = inHyperspace; setEnterWarp(true); setWarpStartDepth(getCameraDepth()); setWarpTime(0); // clear data clearAsteroids(); nmes = []; } } if (triggerWarp == inHyperspace) { // waiting destination if (getEnterWarp() == false) { PlayConfirm(); PauseHyperspaceSound(2); PlayExit(2); CancelHyperSound(2); triggerWarp = normalSpace; var slider = GetControl("throttle"); SetThrottle(slider); GetControl("Hyperspace").state = 0; // setwarpLocation var dif = Math.sqrt(warpDeltaDistance) / (Math.sqrt(centreX*centreX+centreY*centreY)*50*getWarpTime()); if (gameDifficulty == novice) badDriving = 0; else badDriving = dif * (gameDifficulty+7) * 0.1; // factor displacement over distance badDriving *= Math.round(Math.abs(warpLocation.x-shipLocation.x) + Math.abs(warpLocation.y-shipLocation.y)); badDriving -= badDriving*0.5; //console.log("baddriving = " + badDriving); // now randomize in the cone var x = warpLocation.x + Math.random()*badDriving; var y = warpLocation.y + Math.random()*badDriving; if (warpLocked==false) { badDriving = dif*5; x = shipLocation.x + Math.random()*badDriving; y = shipLocation.y + Math.random()*badDriving; warpEnergy = 100; } // update stats - sectors covered, jumped and energy statistics.travelled += Math.round(Math.abs(x-shipLocation.x) + Math.abs(y-shipLocation.y)); statistics.jumpedEnergy+=warpEnergy; statistics.jumped++; SetShipLocation(x, y); // Setup NME's SetupAsteroids(localSpaceCubed); SetupNMEs(GetPieceAtShipLocation()); if (trackingComputer) trackingTarget = ClosestTarget(); warpLocked = false; energy-=warpEnergy; setTrackingMouse(true); } else { UpdateHyperspaceSound(shipVelocity+getWarpTime()*0.5); } } if (triggerWarp == cancelHyperspace) { setTrackingMouse(true); triggerWarp = normalSpace; var slider = GetControl("throttle"); SetThrottle(slider); energy-=100; PlayExit(); CancelHyperSound(); // statistics statistics.jumpedEnergy-=100; statistics.jumpCancelled++; }
const maxpoints = 1024;
var pointcloud =[];
function InitStarDome()
{ for (var i=0; i<maxpoints;i++) { pointcloud.push(RandomNormal()); }
var theta = 0;
var phi = 0;
function RenderStarDome()
// theta+=0.01; // phi+=0.01; var scale = 1000* canvas.height/500; context.beginPath(); for (var i=0; i<pointcloud.length; i++) { var point = pointcloud[i]; var t = orientation.transform(point.x, point.y, point.z); var x1=t.x*scale; var y1=t.y*scale; var z1=t.z*scale+focalDepth; if (z1+focalDepth<0) continue; var depth = focalPoint*5 / (z1 + focalDepth ); var x = x1 * depth + centreX; var y = y1 * depth + centreY; var sz = depth * 0.2; // fill a rect context.rect(x,y, 4, 4); } context.fillStyle = '#333333'; context.fill();
function ClosestTarget()
{ var distance = 10000000; var select = -1; for (var i=0; i<nmes.length; i++) { if (nmes[i].hitpoints>0) { var dist2 = nmes[i].targetPoint({x:0, y:0, z:0}).lengthSquared(); if (dist2<distance) {distance = dist2; select = i;} } } return select;
function TrackTargets()
{ if (!trackingComputer) return; if (trackingTarget<0 || trackingTarget>=nmes.length || nmes[trackingTarget].hitpoints<=0) { var t= ClosestTarget(); if (t>=0) trackingTarget = t; else trackingTarget = 0; }
// entry point
Star-Raiders : homage to old school - Script Codes
Star-Raiders : homage to old school - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Andi Smithers
Username Bolloxim
Uploaded November 21, 2022
Rating 4
Size 25,405 Kb
Views 18,216
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Andi Smithers (Bolloxim) Script Codes
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