React Recipe Box

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How do I make an react recipe box?

Add, delete and edit recipes. You can come back later and they are still there.. What is a react recipe box? How do you make a react recipe box? This script and codes were developed by Mihkel on 06 December 2022, Tuesday.

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React Recipe Box - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>React Recipe Box</title> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''>
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<h1 class="text-center"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></h1> <script src=''></script>
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React Recipe Box - Script Codes JS Codes

"use strict";
var Actions = Reflux.createActions(["createRecipe", "removeRecipe", "editRecipe", "getRecipes"]);
var RecipeStore = Reflux.createStore({	listenables: [Actions],	getRecipes: function getRecipes() {	this.trigger(localStorage);	},	createRecipe: function createRecipe(body) {	localStorage.setItem(body.title, body.ingredients);	this.trigger(localStorage);	},	removeRecipe: function removeRecipe(item) {	localStorage.removeItem(item);	this.trigger(localStorage);	},	editRecipe: function editRecipe(old, updated, ingredients) {	localStorage.removeItem(old);	localStorage.setItem(updated, ingredients);	this.trigger(localStorage);	}
var ListItem = React.createClass({	displayName: "ListItem",	render: function render() {	return React.createElement(	"li",	{ className: "list-group-item" },	this.props.ingredient	);	}
var Modal = React.createClass({	displayName: "Modal",	getInitialState: function getInitialState() {	return {	nameVal: || "",	ingredientsVal: this.props.ingredients || ""	};	},	onChange: function onChange(e) {	this.setState({ ingredientsVal: });	},	onChange2: function onChange2(e) {	this.setState({ nameVal: });	},	clearFields: function clearFields() {	this.setState({	nameVal: "",	ingredientsVal: ""	});	},	render: function render() {	var areaStyle = { resize: "none" };	var margin = { marginLeft: 14 };	return React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "modal fade", id: },	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "modal-dialog" },	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "modal-content" },	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "modal-header" },	React.createElement(	"button",	{ type: "button", className: "close", "data-dismiss": "modal" },	"×"	),	React.createElement(	"h3",	{ style: margin, className: "modal-title" },	this.props.title	)	),	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "modal-body col-sm-12" },	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "col-sm-6" },	React.createElement(	"h4",	null,	"Recipe Name"	),	React.createElement("input", {	type: "text",	className: "form-control",	placeholder: "Recipe name..",	onChange: this.onChange2,	value: this.state.nameVal	})	),	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "col-sm-12" },	React.createElement(	"h4",	null,	"Ingredients"	),	React.createElement("textarea", {	style: areaStyle,	rows: "5",	className: "form-control",	placeholder: "Ingredients.. separated by comma",	onChange: this.onChange,	value: this.state.ingredientsVal })	)	),	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "modal-footer" },	React.createElement(	"button",	{ type: "button", className: "btn btn-default", "data-dismiss": "modal" },	"Close"	),	React.createElement(	"button",	{ type: "button", onClick: this.props.callback, className: "btn btn-success", "data-dismiss": "modal" },	this.props.method	)	)	)	)	);	}
var Panel = React.createClass({	displayName: "Panel",	delete: function _delete() {	Actions.removeRecipe(this.props.recipeName);	},	edit: function edit() {	if (localStorage.hasOwnProperty(this.refs.modal.state.nameVal) && this.refs.modal.state.nameVal !== this.props.recipeName) {	alert("You already have a recipe with that name!");	} else if (!this.refs.modal.state.nameVal || !this.refs.modal.state.ingredientsVal) {	alert("Form can't be empty you dummy!");	} else {	Actions.editRecipe(this.props.recipeName, this.refs.modal.state.nameVal, this.refs.modal.state.ingredientsVal);	}	},	render: function render() {	var center = {	textAlign: "center"	};	var id = new Date().getMilliseconds();	var arr = this.props.ingredients.split(",");	var ingredients = (item, index) {	return React.createElement(ListItem, { key: index, ingredient: item });	});	return React.createElement(	"div",	null,	React.createElement(Modal, {	ref: "modal",	name: this.props.recipeName,	ingredients: this.props.ingredients,	id: id + 1000, method: "Edit",	callback: this.edit,	title: this.props.recipeName	}),	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "panel panel-default" },	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "panel-heading" },	React.createElement(	"h4",	{ className: "panel-title" },	React.createElement(	"a",	{ href: "#" + id, "data-toggle": "collapse", "data-parent": "#panel-parent" },	this.props.recipeName	)	)	),	React.createElement(	"div",	{ id: id, className: "panel-collapse collapse" },	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "panel-body" },	React.createElement(	"h4",	{ style: center },	"Ingredients"	),	React.createElement(	"ul",	{ className: "list-group" },	ingredients	),	React.createElement(	"button",	{ onClick: this.delete, type: "button", className: "btn btn-danger btn-md" },	"Delete"	),	React.createElement(	"button",	{	type: "button",	className: "btn btn-default btn-md",	"data-toggle": "modal",	"data-target": "#" + (id + 1000) },	"Edit"	)	)	)	)	);	}
var MainContainer = React.createClass({	displayName: "MainContainer",	mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(RecipeStore, "onTrigger")],	getInitialState: function getInitialState() {	return { recipes: {} };	},	componentWillMount: function componentWillMount() {	Actions.getRecipes();	},	create: function create() {	if (localStorage.hasOwnProperty(this.refs.modal.state.nameVal)) {	alert("You already have a recipe with that name");	} else if (!this.refs.modal.state.nameVal || !this.refs.modal.state.ingredientsVal) {	alert("Form can't be empty you dummy!");	} else {	var body = {	title: this.refs.modal.state.nameVal,	ingredients: this.refs.modal.state.ingredientsVal	};	Actions.createRecipe(body);	this.refs.modal.clearFields();	}	},	onTrigger: function onTrigger(data) {	this.setState({ recipes: data });	},	render: function render() { = "#FAFAFA";	var panels = [];	for (var k in {	panels.push([React.createElement(Panel, { key: k, ingredients:[k], recipeName: k })]);	}	return React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "container" },	React.createElement(Modal, { id: "mymodal", method: "Add", ref: "modal", callback: this.create, title: "New Recipe" }),	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "col-sm-12 well" },	React.createElement(	"div",	{ className: "panel-group", id: "panel-parent" },	panels	)	),	React.createElement(	"button",	{ type: "button", className: "btn btn-primary btn-md", "data-toggle": "modal", "data-target": "#mymodal" },	"Add new recipe"	)	);	}
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(MainContainer, null), document.getElementById("main"));
React Recipe Box - Script Codes
React Recipe Box - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Mihkel
Username Krokodill
Uploaded December 06, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,347 Kb
Views 8,096
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Mihkel (Krokodill) Script Codes
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